So let's say I have an Edit line

Edit ,x,(^//.+\n)+(const|func|type|var) , x,^(// [^ \t].*\n|//\n)+,|sed
's:^//::'|fmt|sed 's:^://:'

that I can use in a tag to reformat comments in a body.  I noticed that
while it's possible to run an Edit with an X from a separate body if I use
Acme's sam commands:

Edit X/.go$/  ,x,(^//.+\n)+(const|func|type|var) , x,^(// [^

an attempt to run the  pipe command via an X:

Edit X/.go$/ ,x,(^//.+\n)+(const|func|type|var) , x,^(// [^
\t].*\n|//\n)+,|sed 's:^//::'|fmt|sed 's:^://:'

will crash acme:

$ /usr/local/plan9/bin/acme
/usr/local/plan9/bin/acme: qunlock pc=0x7fbc98900002 owner=0 self=108727000
Abort trap: 6

Anyone ever look into this?


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