With a little guidance from y'all and some poking around, I have managed to get 
abcm2ps to generate the slashes on stems I was looking for to create drum notation. 

I found, in the deco.abc file included in the abcm2ps package I have, a macro that Jef 
calls "repst" - a "repeat sign in a stem" (which is kind of a weird way to describe 
it, but I found it anyway).

First, I tried using it 'as is', by including the postscript code from deco.abc:

% -- repeat sign in a stem
%%postscript /repst{    % usage: x y repst
%%postscript    M -3 -13 RM 9 3 RL 0 -3 RL -9 -3 RL fill}!

(I renamed this to be "r1" in my file).

I had a problem, however, because for the notation I'm creating, I specify all upward 
facing stems using 

V:1 up

before each tune.

The decoration did not follow the location of the stem.  Will this happen for any 
decoration which is attached to a stem?

So, I tweaked and twisted, and finally came up with my own postscript code to put in 
my abc code to make the slashes how I want them.
Now, I have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA what any of the numbers really mean in the postscript 
code I wrote -- I just kept playing with them until they looked right.

Anyway, if anyone is interested, here's what I came up with:

%%postscript /roll1{    % usage: x y roll1
%%postscript    M 3 6 RM 10 4 RL 0 -2 RL -10 -4 RL fill}!
%%postscript /roll2{    % usage: x y roll2
%%postscript    M 3 7 RM 10 4 RL 0 -1.5 RL -10 -4 RL 
%%postscript     0 4 RM 10 4 RL 0 -1.5 RL -10 -4 RL fill}!
%%postscript /roll3{    % usage: x y roll3
%%postscript    M 3 6 RM 10 4 RL 0 -1.5 RL -10 -4 RL 
%%postscript     0 4 RM 10 4 RL 0 -1.5 RL -10 -4 RL
%%postscript     0 4 RM 10 4 RL 0 -1.5 RL -10 -4 RL fill}!
%%postscript /roll4{    % usage: x y roll4
%%postscript    M 3 4 RM 10 4 RL 0 -1 RL -10 -4 RL
%%postscript     0 4 RM 10 4 RL 0 -1 RL -10 -4 RL
%%postscript     0 4 RM 10 4 RL 0 -1 RL -10 -4 RL
%%postscript     0 4 RM 10 4 RL 0 -1 RL -10 -4 RL fill}!
%%deco r1 1 roll1 0 0 0
%%deco r2 1 roll2 0 0 0
%%deco r3 1 roll3 0 0 0
%%deco r4 1 roll4 0 0 0

Keep in mind that these decorations are intended for notes with STEMS UP.

Here's a sample piece if you wanna see what it looks like when it's all done:

T:Plain 2/4
%%titlespace .1cm
%%titlefont Times-Roman 15.0
C:Source Unknown
%%graceslurs no
V:1 up
!r2!c-"7"|:c{c}c {c}c!r2!c-"7"|c{c}c {c}c!r2!c-"7"|c{c}c {c}c/Lc/c/c/|[1.2.3. {c}c{c}c 
{c}c!r2!c-:|[4 {c}c{c}c {c}c{c}c|{c}c !r3!c3-"15"|c{c}c {c}c!r2!c-"7"|
c{c}c {c}cLccc|{c}c{c}c {c}c!r2!c-"7"|c{c}c {c}c!r2!c-"7"|c{c}c {c}c!r2!c-"7"|c{c}c 
c/Lc/c/c/|[1 {c}c{c}c {c}c{c}c:|[2 {c}c{c}c {c}cz|]

Yes, I know, this ABC is Completely Unreadable By A Human (new acronym:  CUBAH ?), but 
it makes VERY readable postscript output, and this will allow me to complete the 
tunebook for my Fife & Drum Corps.

Please, feel free to comment, and/or improve on my code or macros!


PS: Anyone want to tell me what the parameters for the %%postscript and %%deco macros 
really mean?  That would make what I'm doing much more meaningful.

Christopher Myers
aim: chrismyers001

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