I realized that the overlay operator & is the only one that moves the time backward.
I think the 2.0 standard is not very clear on this operator, I'll try to summarize how it will implemented in ABCp, of course everything is subject to discussions and comments from your side!!

Reading both the standard and the abcm2ps docs I understood the syntax should work as follows: (a=b means "a is vertically aligned with b")

1) & splits a measure
GA | bc & de | Fg            -->  d = b, e = c

2) Duration counts!
GA | bc & e2 | Fg            -->  e2 = b

3) overaly may occur on multiple measures
G(&A | bc & d | F&)g     --> d = A, F = b, g = c

but some questions are left unanswered:

1)  What is durations don't match? Should we add rests or give an error?
GA | b & de | Fg            -->  d =b, e=?

2) The example on the abc2.0 standard page seems to suggest that the & operator splits the line and not the measure. I assume the example is from an old proposal and should be read as:

(&g4 f4 | e6 e2 &\
(d8 | c6) c2 &)

3) The abc2.0 standard present it as "voice overlay" but they do not really defines a separate voice (as the V: field does), correct?

4) What's the meaning of &&? I found it in a couple of examples around.

5) Anything else I missed on overlays?

Let me know your thoughts.


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