Eliezer S. Yudkowsky wrote:

> "Important", because I strongly suspect Hofstadterian superrationality 
> is a *lot* more ubiquitous among transhumans than among us...

It's my understanding that Hofstadterian superrationality is not generally
accepted within the game theory research community as a valid principle of
decision making. Do you have any information to the contrary, or some
other reason to think that it will be commonly used by transhumans?

About a week ago Eliezer also wrote:

> 2) While an AIXI-tl of limited physical and cognitive capabilities might 
> serve as a useful tool, AIXI is unFriendly and cannot be made Friendly 
> regardless of *any* pattern of reinforcement delivered during childhood.

I always thought that the biggest problem with the AIXI model is that it
assumes that something in the environment is evaluating the AI and giving
it rewards, so the easiest way for the AI to obtain its rewards would be
to coerce or subvert the evaluator rather than to accomplish any real
goals. I wrote a bit more about this problem at 

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