On Sat, Oct 16, 2010 at 5:15 PM, Matt Mahoney <matmaho...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>> However, programming
>>>  languages are fundamentally different from natural language in that
>>> (1) they have a precise grammar and semantics,
>>That's an advantage.
>>Since you can precisely define what you wish to express.
> Only when talking to computers. Humans don't learn language that way. Humans
> learn incrementally yet are still able to use partially learned languages.
Ya, well I don't see any difference.
Computers also learn incrementally,
they start with bios, then kernel, then system services...
same thing compilers,
they have a base vocabulary (assembly),
that's extended by the standard-library,
which can be further extended by third-party libraries.

humans also learn the meaning of words,
by a complex set of sensual cues,
associated with a word.

Just as a computer can learn the meaning of a word,
by reading in a library or dictionary what it means.

partially learned languages can also be used,
since functional correlations between one word and another can be identified.

>>> and (3) the complexity is on the order of 10^5 to 10^6 bits vs. 10^9 bits 
>>> for
>>>natural language.
>>Again it's an advantage,
>>as it would require less resources to do so.
> You can't express much with such a small language.

? I'd say it's difficult to express stuff with the gooey inconsistency
found in NLP.
simply due to people not having common dictionary,
or many people not using dictionaries.

It's far easier to express yourself precisely,
when there are standard words,
and a consistent grammar.

Another advantage of HSPL,
is that it's easy to learn,
due to it's simplicity.

So could be used as an intermediary language.
Especially for international negotiations,
where clarity and precision,
may be valued.

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