The Apache UIMA team is pleased to announce the release of

  Apache uimaFIT, version 2.2.0

Apache uimaFIT is a library that facilitates the building of
Apache UIMA components, the programmatic use of Apache UIMA
analysis pipelines, and their testing.

uimaFIT employs Java annotations to integrate UIMA meta data
directly into the source code, allowing for less lines of code
and better refactorability then traditional, XML descriptor-based
UIMA projects. It is capable of automatically detecting meta data,
e.g. type system information, from the classpath. Convenience
methods are provided for constructing components, pipelines,
and for accessing annotations.

The major changes in this release are:

* System requirements changed to Java 7
* new FSUtil class with methods to get/set feature values
* new selectAt method
* improved compatibility with thread context classloaders
* upgrades to dependencies including UIMA SDK and Spring Framework
* use of iteratorWithSnapshot in select methods
* ... otherwise this is a bug-fix release to version 2.1.0

For a full list of the changes, please refer to Jira:

Note on compatibility and migration:

Apache uimaFIT 2.2.0 is a drop-in replacement for previous
Apache uimaFIT 2.x versions.

-- Richard Eckart de Castilho, for the Apache UIMA development team

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