The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the 
Apache Maven JXR, version 2.5

This module generates browsable HTML pages from Java source code.

You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven JXR - Version 2.5


 * [JXR-122] - apache-rat-plugin Configuration for DEPENDENCIES file.


 * [JXR-111] - Upgrade to Maven 2.2.1 compatiblity
 * [JXR-112] - Update version of plexus-utils to 3.0.20
 * [JXR-113] - Update maven-reporting-impl to 2.3
 * [JXR-114] - Remove deprecated marked entries in the code.
 * [JXR-115] - Fix WARNING for maven-surefire-plugin and duplicate test output..
 * [JXR-116] - Upgrade doxia from 1.2 to 1.4
 * [JXR-118] - Fixed Checkstyle reported errors/warnings
 * [JXR-119] - Upgrade org.apache.maven:maven-parent to version 25
 * [JXR-120] - Configure maven release plugin to autoVersionSubmodules
 * [JXR-121] - Release failed
 * [JXR-123] - Upgrade maven-plugin-annotations and maven-plugin-plugin from 
3.2 to 3.3


 * [JXR-109] - use maven-plugin-tools' java 5 annotations


-The Apache Maven team 

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