An URL is not a Windows address preceded by "file:///".
Even if you change \ into / it may still be incorrect, depending on the characters in the path.
     C:\Docs OpenOffice\Report_20151127
URL : file:///C:/Docs%20OpenOffice/Report_20151127
You can convert a system address into an URL with method getFileURLFromSystemPath() of service com.sun.star.ucb.FileContentProvider

If the argument Filter is absent, you provide a null object. This is not incorrect, you must provide at least an empty array.
The Overwrite option is True by default, so you don't need it.


khammonh a écrit le 2015-11-27 10:18 :
Hi there
I have some problem when implementing Interface XStorable of 
unoidl.com.sun.star.frame class .
I developed my own Library base on SDK here are method body of SaveDocAs and 

Public Sub SaveDocAs(ByVal FileName As String, Optional ByVal Filter As 
SpreadSheetFileFilter = SpreadSheetFileFilter.MS_Excel_97)
           Dim Store As XStorable
           Dim Prop() As PropertyValue = {New PropertyValue, New PropertyValue}
           'Dim MyUrl As String = FileName
           Dim MyUrl As String = "file:///" + FileName
           Store = CType(m_mxDocument, XStorable)
           If Filter = SpreadSheetFileFilter.DefaultOpenOffice Then
               Prop = Nothing
               Prop(0).Name = "FilterName"
               Prop(0).Value = New uno.Any(ParserFilter(Filter))
               Prop(1).Name = "Overwrite"
               Prop(1).Value = New uno.Any(True)
           End If

           Store.storeAsURL(MyUrl, Prop)
       End Sub

Public Sub SaveDocToFile(ByVal FileName As String, Optional ByVal Filter As 
SpreadSheetFileFilter = SpreadSheetFileFilter.MS_Excel_97)
            Dim Store As XStorable
            Dim Prop() As PropertyValue = {New PropertyValue, New PropertyValue}
            Dim MyUrl As String = "file:///" + FileName
            Store = CType(m_mxDocument, XStorable)
            Prop(0).Name = "FilterName"
            Prop(0).Value = New uno.Any(ParserFilter(Filter))
            Prop(1).Name = "Overwrite"
            Prop(1).Value = New uno.Any(True)
            Store.storeToURL(MyUrl, Prop)
        End Sub

when invoke this method on client application with the code fragment bellow

               ExcelAttach = ExcelRoot & "\" & "Report_" & 

where ExcelAttach is a file path
I got an exception with error code 283

Actually the document is opened by the app from a template file then the app 
filled the sheets with content and need to save this file with above mentioned 
If I could set file location and filter of Document SaveFile dialog it would be 
more easy then use these 2 methods . But I don’t know how to interact with 
SaveFile dialog of OpenOffice .
Please if any body can help me.

Thank in advance.


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