This is, in OpenOffice Basic, an equivalent to OpenOffice Basic ConvertToURL()

Function convertAddressToURL(SystemPath As String)
Dim fcp As Object

' I suppose you know how to instantiate a service in your language...
fcp = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.ucb.FileContentProvider")
convertAddressToURL = fcp.getFileURLFromSystemPath("", SystemPath)
End Function

Compare your simple method to this example with a non-ASCII character:

Dim s As String, t As String

s = "C:\Composers\Camille Saint-Saëns"
t = convertAddressToURL(s)
MsgBox t

If possible I would like to get access to
SaveFile Dialog of this document and set FileName property as well as File
filter so the user just click save as and close the document.

Without any programming:
Menu Tools > Options, Load/Save > General
Document type : Spreadsheet
Always save as : Microsoft Excel 97/2000/XP


khammonh a écrit le 2015-11-30 06:41 :
Bonjour Bernard et merci bien pour votre conseil , Je suis desole que je
n'ecrire pas bien en Francais . Depuis 20 ans que je ne parle pas et n'ecrire
pas en Francais donc je vais ecrirer en Anglais tout de suit.

I couldn't find the class from which I could cast (convert) to
unoidl.com.sun.star.ucb.XFileIdentifierConverter as the method you mentioned
here is the member of this interface and interface as we know couldn't
instantiate with a sub New so it is not possible to invoke the method without a
proper casting . So I did the conversion the URL from file path by using
String.Replace function it work perfectly and I can save as URL.
By doing this the instant of Spreadsheet object still alive and need to close .
Actually I don't want to confuse the user with this (they may not aware that the
file has been saved programmatically as they still see the document name
untitled at the top left Corner)  . If possible I would like to get access to
SaveFile Dialog of this document and set FileName property as well as File
filter so the user just click save as and close the document.
Any suggestion or advise.


-----Original Message----- From: Bernard Marcelly
Sent: Saturday, November 28, 2015 3:13 AM
To: api@openoffice.apache.org
Subject: Re: XStorable object thrown an exception with error code 283

An URL is not a Windows address preceded by "file:///".
Even if you change \ into / it may still be incorrect, depending on the
characters in the path.
      C:\Docs OpenOffice\Report_20151127
URL : file:///C:/Docs%20OpenOffice/Report_20151127
You can convert a system address into an URL with method
getFileURLFromSystemPath() of service com.sun.star.ucb.FileContentProvider

If the argument Filter is absent, you provide a null object. This is not
incorrect, you must provide at least an empty array.
The Overwrite option is True by default, so you don't need it.


khammonh a écrit le 2015-11-27 10:18 :
Hi there
I have some problem when implementing Interface XStorable of
unoidl.com.sun.star.frame class .
I developed my own Library base on SDK here are method body of SaveDocAs and

Public Sub SaveDocAs(ByVal FileName As String, Optional ByVal Filter As
SpreadSheetFileFilter = SpreadSheetFileFilter.MS_Excel_97)
           Dim Store As XStorable
           Dim Prop() As PropertyValue = {New PropertyValue, New PropertyValue}
           'Dim MyUrl As String = FileName
           Dim MyUrl As String = "file:///" + FileName
           Store = CType(m_mxDocument, XStorable)
           If Filter = SpreadSheetFileFilter.DefaultOpenOffice Then
               Prop = Nothing
               Prop(0).Name = "FilterName"
               Prop(0).Value = New uno.Any(ParserFilter(Filter))
               Prop(1).Name = "Overwrite"
               Prop(1).Value = New uno.Any(True)
           End If

           Store.storeAsURL(MyUrl, Prop)
       End Sub

Public Sub SaveDocToFile(ByVal FileName As String, Optional ByVal Filter As
SpreadSheetFileFilter = SpreadSheetFileFilter.MS_Excel_97)
            Dim Store As XStorable
            Dim Prop() As PropertyValue = {New PropertyValue, New PropertyValue}
            Dim MyUrl As String = "file:///" + FileName
            Store = CType(m_mxDocument, XStorable)
            Prop(0).Name = "FilterName"
            Prop(0).Value = New uno.Any(ParserFilter(Filter))
            Prop(1).Name = "Overwrite"
            Prop(1).Value = New uno.Any(True)
            Store.storeToURL(MyUrl, Prop)
        End Sub

when invoke this method on client application with the code fragment bellow

               ExcelAttach = ExcelRoot & "\" & "Report_" &

where ExcelAttach is a file path
I got an exception with error code 283

Actually the document is opened by the app from a template file then the app
filled the sheets with content and need to save this file with above mentioned
If I could set file location and filter of Document SaveFile dialog it would
be more easy then use these 2 methods . But I don’t know how to interact with
SaveFile dialog of OpenOffice .
Please if any body can help me.

Thank in advance.


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