Do you have some mirror settings in settings.xml? Adding a repository
such as this in Maven will have it use both 'central' and 'plugins'
identified repositories.

- Brett

On 07-Mar-2008 14:30:07 CET, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Hi all,
>  I am trying to separate plugins from the others repository in order to have
>  artifact releases              -> ./repository/internal
>  artifact snapshots             -> ./repository/snapshots
>  plugins (snapshots & releases) -> ./repository/plugins
>  So I added in my archiva.xml :
>  <managedRepository>
>  <location>D:\serveurs\Archiva-1.0.1/repositories/plugins</location>
>  <releases>true</releases>
>  <snapshots>true</snapshots>
>  <refreshCronExpression>0 0\,30 * * * ?</refreshCronExpression>
>  <daysOlder>30</daysOlder>
>  <id>plugins</id>
>  <name>Archiva Managed Plugins Repository</name>
>  </managedRepository>
>  and in my <USER_HOME>/m2./settings.xml :
>  <pluginRepositories>
>      <pluginRepository>
>        <id>plugins</id>
>        <url>http://localhost:8080/archiva/repository/plugins</url>
>        <releases>
>           <enabled>true</enabled>
>         </releases>
>         <snapshots>
>            <enabled>true</enabled>
>         </snapshots>
>       </pluginRepository>
>   </pluginRepositories>
>  but plugins are still downloaded in the 2 others repository (releases &
>  snapshots).
>  Did I miss something ?
>  Thank you for your help
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Brett Porter

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