On 10/04/2008, Jason Chaffee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We are seeing performance problems with Archiva when used as a proxy and
>  we suspect it may be due  to the thread pool.

Unfortunately, it's not really accessible in Archiva 1.0.x. We've
already replaced it with a stock Jetty 6 installation in Archiva 1.1
for this reason.

> However, we are deploying
>  Archiva standalone and there does not seem to be any documentation on
>  how we can configure something like this and deploying the war in tomcat
>  has been a nightmare trying to get everyting configured and working (I
>  gave up).

I have tested the instructions on the web site myself, so would be
good to hear the issues you had? I would be happy to walk through
issues with that or with setting up inside Jetty6 (the config files
could be borrowed from 1.1 with some modifications).


Brett Porter
Blog: http://blogs.exist.com/bporter/

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