Paru-paru basah itu istilahnya Pneumonia bu dan
menular, berikut artikelnya.

Mamanya Dafi

Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs that can be
caused by many different microorganisms. These include
viruses, bacteria, parasites, and fungi.

What is going on in the body?
Pneumonia occurs when an infectious organism causes
inflammation in the lungs. The air sacs fill with
liquid and pus. This means they can't deliver oxygen
effectively to the blood vessels. 

What are the signs and symptoms of the infection?
The symptoms of pneumonia vary depending on the
organism but may include the following: · chest pain ·
cough that may bring up sputum · fever and chills ·
shortness of breath · vomiting · weakness 

What are the causes and risks of the infection?
Pneumonia is a fairly common infection that affects
people of all ages. Some of its more common causes are
as follows: · bacteria, such as Streptococcus
pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, and Haemophilus
influenzae · fungi, such as the organism that causes
aspergillosis · organisms similar to bacteria, such as
the ones that cause tuberculosis and chlamydia ·
parasites, such as Pneumocystis carinii, which is
often seen in people with AIDS · viruses, such as the
ones that cause colds, flu, and RSV infection 

Following are some factors that increase a person's
risk of developing severe pneumonia: · alcohol abuse ·
chronic disease, such as diabetes or heart disease ·
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, such as
emphysema · old age · pregnancy · recent surgery ·
smoking · a weakened immune system 

What can be done to prevent the infection?
Some cases of pneumonia can be prevented by the
pneumonia vaccine. Annual flu vaccines can prevent
pneumonia from flu viruses.

How is the infection diagnosed?
Diagnosis of pneumonia begins with a medical history
and physical exam. A chest X-ray can confirm the
diagnosis. Often a specific organism is not
identified. Sometimes an organism can be found in the
person's sputum or blood. 

What are the long-term effects of the infection?
Usually, there are no long-term effects from
pneumonia. Sometimes, lung damage can cause decreased
lung function in the future.

What are the risks to others?
Most of the organisms that cause pneumonia can be
spread from person to person through coughing or

What are the treatments for the infection?
Depending on the organism, pneumonia can be treated
with antibiotics or antiviral medicines. Oxygen, and
sometimes a ventilator, may be needed to help a person

What are the side effects of the treatments?
Antibiotics may cause rash, upset stomach, or allergic

What happens after treatment for the condition?
Most people recover completely and can resume normal

How is the condition monitored?
The healthcare provider may order periodic chest
X-rays until the infection is completely gone. Any new
or worsening symptoms should be reported to the
----from Discoveryhealth------

--- Dwita Desioveni
> Hi...
> Saya termasuk salah satu anggota milis yg nggak
> aktif sharing tapi tiap hari mantau BA. Kali ini
> saya mohon bantuan sharing/pencerahan dari rekan2
> BA.
> Keponakan saya 20 bln didiagnosa sementara oleh
> DSA-nya kena paru-paru basah dan sekarang dirawat di
> RSPI, yang mau saya perjelas adalah apakah paru-paru
> basah ini menular, dan apakah sama dengan TB (yang
> baru-baru ini sering dibahas di milis BA) dan
> bagaimana treatment untuk anak-anak penderita
> paru-paru basah ini. Soalnya saya takut juga kalo
> seandainya menular akan menulari anak saya , Akbar,
> yang usianya 12 bln (hari ini ultah). Sebenernya apa
> ya yg menyebabkan penyakit ini. Baru-baru ini
> keponakan saya liburan ke daerah pantai selama 1
> minggu dan hampir setiap hari dia berenang di
> pantai.
> Sorry kalo pertanyaannya terlalu banyak, mohon
> pencerahan dari rekan2 BA. Sebelumnya saya ucapkan
> banyak terima kasih.
> Salam
> mamanya Akbar

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