FYI, Cathi's emergency vet's phone number is 330-452-5116. The other Vet Clinic with the same name is NOT the emergency clinic where Ari is/was... Unfortunately, the Emergency Clinic keeps "emergency" hours, so we can't call 'til after 6:00. I don't know if they let her check out without paying the bill in full or not, but my plan is to call tonight and find out if one can still contribute to it that way.

The phone number previously posted got me a private home answering machine, so not sure WHAT that was...

Happy Birthday to me, I just ordered Bernd's book!


======================== Elizabeth Malcolmson with Can. OTCH, UUD Ledgewood's Ptolemy, UDX, DD, Can. DD Remembering Tycho & Zoey, treasured beyond measure Rockport, MA, USA

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