>From the Winter, 2004 issue of WorkingUSA (subscriptions 
available at www.mesharpe.com):

Race, Radicalism, and Industrial Union Democracy

Unionism. By Ruth Needleman.Cornell. 305 pp.$47.50 cloth;
paper. LEFT OUT: 
Reds and America's Industrial Unions. By Judith Stepan-Norris 
and Maurice Zeitlin. Cambridge. 375 pp. $75, cloth; $27, paper.

By Steve Early 

A quarter century ago, when mid-western cities were still 
ringed by the glowing hearths of steel mills instead of their 
post-industrial rubble, dissident steel 
workers were on the march. Their champion then was Ed 
Sadlowski, a critic of the union establishment who was
campaigning, unsuccessfully, for president 
of the United Steel Workers of America (USWA). "Oil Can Eddie" 
was a product of the union's Chicago-Gary district, where 
blacks and whites united to build the Congress of Industrial
Organizations (CIO) in the "old left" working class milieu
vividly described in Ruth Needleman's Black Freedom Fighters in

Long before bumper stickers appeared on Volvos urging us to 
"Celebrate Diversity," Sadlowski tried to do just that when he 
assembled his "Steelworkers Fightback" slate. In addition to
himself, a Polish-American, it included a Serbo-Croatian, an
African-American, a Chicano, and an American Jew. This rainbow 
coalition covered all the political bases except Canada- a 
fatal omission in an "international union" that has since
two Canadians as president! In 1976, however, the emergence of
a black candidate for the USWA executive board--Oliver
Montgomery--was big news indeed. In the 
four decades since the USWA's founding, no African-American had
ever made it to the top ranks of America's second largest
industrial union.

By the 1960s, continued discrimination in the mills and 
exclusion of blacks from the union leadership and staff
triggered a rank-and-file revolt, led by Montgomery and others.

To undercut Sadlowski's appeal to minority workers, based on 
his alliance with this civil rights veteran, incumbent
quickly created a new USWA vice-presidency for "human rights."
They then found a safer African-American candidate for the
job-- a union headquarters loyalist who was "not part of the 
black protest movement." 

Such partial victories are a re-occurring feature of the 
anti-discrimination fights recounted in Needleman's steel union

history. On a broader canvas in Left Out, sociologists Maurice
Zeitlin and Judith Stepan-Norris trace the rise and fall of
radical influence within the CIO generally--and its impact on
race relations, workplace militancy, and union democracy. Both
books are thus relevant to current debates about reviving the
labor movement--particularly through recruitment of more women,
immigrants, and other "minorities" who together constitute a
new majority in many workplaces. 

Workers being wooed by "progressive unions" now are already 
learning the truth of Frederick Douglass' famous 19th century 
axiom--"power concedes nothing without a demand" (which applies
equally to industrial relations and internal union politics).
In today's AFL-CIO, grassroots participation in the 
pageantry of Justice for Janitors campaigns or the Immigrant 
Workers Freedom Ride is highly-prized--just as the CIO once put
top priority on African-American support for unionization in

Worker involvement can be more problematic, however, when 
initial organizing or contract fights are over,
relationships have become institutionalized, and union
bureaucracy is far more entrenched than rank-and-file power. As
Needleman observes, "without membership initiative and 
organization, without debate and opposition, unions lose the 
spirit and substance that makes them work." 

Left Out tracks the ebb and flow of CIO insurgency with charts,

statistical data, and a critical review of past academic 
literature. Needleman anchors her 
analysis in oral history, focusing on the moving personal 
stories of five Steelworkers whose union involvement spanned
than sixty years. 

The overlapping careers of George Kimbley, William Young, John 
Howard, Curtis Strong, and Jonathan Comer add up to a 
collective profile in courage. 
Although differing in their handling of "racial conflicts and 
individual prejudice," all played "instrumental roles in 
establishing a union in steel, implementing 
fairer workplace standards, and forging alliances with 
community, civil rights, and women's organizations." Behind
labor's official support for "civil rights," 
there has always been a more complex reality, even in left-led 

CIO organizing in the 1930s broke with the AFL's tradition of 
craft union bias, creating integrated working-class 
organizations that had little precedent in a 
society long segregated, at all levels, in its housing, 
education, and employment. Citing no less an authority than W.
E. B Dubois, Left Out argues that the CIO became "a major
racially egalitarian force in American life." Needleman
likewise notes that CIO leaders backed "anti-lynching and
anti-poll tax 
legislation, fair employment practices, fair housing, and 
voting rights." Yet the legacy of past employer
discrimination--and persistent racism on the shop 
floor--cast a dark shadow over the functioning of individual 
unions like the United Steel Workers. Using collective action
the threat of workplace disruption, black USWA pioneers helped
curb many of the worst abuses by lower-level management. 

Unfortunately, inequality on the job had a structural 
dimension. As Needleman explains, "the steel companies
established segregation through their industry 
wide pattern of hiring; blacks and Mexicans were channeled into

the worst jobs in the coke plant, open hearth, and blast 
furnace, or into the labor gangs in predominantly white
departments." Even within departments, jobs were arranged in
white-dominated promotional "sequences" or groups, "segregating
the better jobs from the worst ones." When minorities
challenged this system, the resistance was greatest where white
workers saw their higher-paying positions --and
seniority--being threatened. Of course, the "seniority rights"
they defended, with union backing, were neither plantwide nor
but rather "seniority within sequences"-- not exactly a 
color-blind application of the principle.

In the 1940s, black USWA members themselves -- aided by white 
leftists--began to chip to away at this edifice of injustice. 
How much help they got from their local unions--and how much of
a "melting pot" the USWA actually became--usually depended on
the success of joint campaigns with fellow activists 
who were Communists. 

For conservative defenders of the status quo--in the plant or 
at the union hall--the political equation was clear: "black
white equals red." The subsequent elimination of many Party
members from positions of local union influence after passage
of the Taft-Hartley Act--and the ferocious attacks on 
left-led unions expelled from the CIO in 1949--undermined 
anti-discrimination initiatives in the steel industry and

In the midst of the great purge, a columnist for the Washington

Afro-American lamented the CIO's retreat towards "America's 
traditional policy of segregation and Jim Crowism" As Left Out
reports, even Willard Townsend--a leading anti-communist and
black railway union official--was forced to admit 
in 1955 that CPers "did keep the civil rights question alive." 
During the McCarthy era, two of Needleman's subjects--Young and

Strong--took brave stands in defense of white radicals facing
persecution within the USWA. In the interests of their own
survival, other African-Americans distanced themselves from 
one-time political comrades and causes.

The civil rights revolution of the 1960s spawned a new alliance

within the Steel Workers, among black activists themselves. 
They formed a rank-and-file caucus called the "National Ad Hoc
Committee," which launched a renewed legal, political, and
public relations assault on discriminatory practices. Aided by 
the NAACP Labor Secretary Herbert Hill, Ad Hoc members 
ultimately used the battering ram of Title 7 of the Civil
Rights Act of 1964 to overcome promotional barriers. Nearly a
decade of litigation involving major steel makers and the USWA
resulted in a controversial industry-wide "consent decree." It 
provided little back-pay but did "open up jobs and 
apprenticeship programs previously off limits to
African-Americans," plus increased the number of 
women and minorities hired into the industry.

Unfortunately, black steelworkers gained access to 
better-paying, higher-skilled jobs just in time to see much
steel making work deindustrialized out of existence. By the
mid-1980s, half the work force in East Chicago and Gary had
been eliminated, due to mill closings, new technology, foreign
imports, and 
corporate restructuring. The legacy of equal opportunity that 
Needleman's "freedom fighters" hoped to "pass down to the next 
generation vanished." Now stranded in devastated urban
communities, their "children and grandchildren would not even
have access to low-paid, dirty jobs in the mills." Despite this

tragic denouement, Black Freedom Fighters contains important 
lessons for workers trying to rebuild multi-racial unions,
or outside the rust belt. 

As the basis for a concluding chapter, Needleman assembled a 
group of past and present USWA activists, male and female, for
free-wheeling discussion of their experiences. The participants
noted that blacks were not drawn to the union simply to gain
rights on the job but also as "organization that would 
protect their social and political rights." As one former Ad 
Hoc member observed, when organized labor put "social justice 
concerns aside in the name of business unionism, many black
activists lost interest" and "black participation started its
downward slide." 

To make membership voices heard again and promote social 
movement unionism, the book's "freedom fighters" agree that
workers need "self-organization"--independent clubs, caucuses,
and networks that can raise issues, stimulate debate, and hold
labor leadership accountable. 

As Left Out suggests, such a culture of grassroots democracy 
might be stronger today if the CIO had not, fifty years ago,
out--and then largely demolished--those unions "that were most
dynamic, egalitarian, democratic, class conscious and advanced
on issues of women's rights and interracial solidarity."
Nevertheless, the example of black activists in 
steel--who soldiered on, even when shorn of many left 
allies--demonstrates the power and potential of rank-and-file
initiative in a labor movement still top-heavy with staff and
officials wedded to the status quo.

(Steve Early is a Boston-based organizer who has aided union 
democracy movements in the Mineworkers, Steelworkers, and 

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