On 27/04/10 22:42, Alan Curry wrote:
> In the dark ages before the bug tracker (i.e. November), a message was sent:
> http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-coreutils/2009-11/msg00206.html
> providing an RFC4648 base32 output option for the cryptographic hash
> utilities. I'm sending this now to
> 1. endorse the idea
> 2. get it a bug number so it might be noticed

I'm sorry for not responding.
I was sure I did because I did a bit of searching
and thought that this was specific to Internet Archive's tools
and so not appropriate for inclusion.

Could you give examples of where you would
find this useful?

I also notice that it was easy enough to
write base32 wrappers for these tools:

md5sum ... |
perl -anle 'use Convert::Base32;\
$h32=uc(encode_base32(pack("H40", $F[0]))); print "$h32  $F[1]";'


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