Good day everyone

I am having difficulties programming the ROACH 2 board. I am following the
instructions of CASPER tutorial one.

I Have compiled the fpg file and is using the following steps from the

1. I entered ipython into the terminal
2. import casperfpga
3. fpga=casperfpga.katcp_fpga.KatcpFpga('roachname or ip_address') with the
ip address of my roach
4. fpga.upload_to_ram_and_program('your_fpgfile.fpg') with the location of
the .fpga file

but at point 4 I get the following error:

RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-6-bdb3ff92f6c0> in <module>()
----> 1 fpga.upload_to_ram_and_program('/home/heystek/

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/casperfpga/katcp_fpga.pyc in
upload_to_ram_and_program(self, filename, port, timeout, wait_complete)
    442         if request_result != '':
    443             raise RuntimeError('progremote request(%s) on host %s
failed' %
--> 444                                (request_result,
    446         # start the upload thread and join

RuntimeError: progremote request(Request to client failed.) on
host failed

Am I doing something wrong?

I looked at the mail archives and it sugested that I update the kernel of
the roach. Is this perhaps the problem? Or am I doing something wrong?

Have a wonderful day.


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