If it helps...


    <cfset ServerPassword = 'Test123'>

    <cfset Text = ReplaceNoCase(cgi.query_string,
'fuseaction=IncomingMessage.Default&Message=', '')>

    <cfset Text = Decrypt(text,'#ServerPassword#')>
    <cfif find('IncomingMessage.Default&Message=',Text)>

        <cfset FinalURL = ReplaceNoCase(Text,
'fuseaction=IncomingMessage.Default&', '')>


        <cfloop list="#FinalURL#" delimiters="&" index="i">
            <cfloop list="#i#" delimiters="=" index="x">
                <cfset i = x>

        #Message# - #Name# - #x# - #y#

        Failure. Get a job hippie.


It bombs out at the decryption line. Is there something obvious I'm missing
here? I get a "java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException" error. The first
text line has the URL code I am passing in to decrypt and I managed to work
around the = and & issue (unless that is what is causing the issue). Can
someone help a brotha out? :)

On Sun, Mar 15, 2015 at 12:21 AM, Phillip Vector <vec...@mostdeadlygame.com>

> I have a program that sends me info via a URL. I'd like to encrypt it, but
> when I do, I get &'s and ='s in the string.
> Is there some way I can still send the whole string with those characters
> in it through a base URL string or is there an encryption method that
> doesn't use those special characters?

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