I think you'll need to update the hosts file so that:


...points to the right IP and then refer to:


...in your code. That should make everything "line up."

On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 5:23 AM, Ian Chapman <ian.chap...@melodimedia.co.uk>

> Hi Guys,
> Some time ago I posted a question about an error we were getting with MX7.1
> http://www.houseoffusion.com/groups/cf-talk/message.cfm/messageid:353955
> I have a similar problem but I believe the client is using a widlcard
> certificate so I get the error:
> I/O Exception: Name in certificate `*.domain.net' does not match host
> name `prerelease-api.anotherdomain.com'
> The difference this time is the '*.domain.net', previously it was for a
> determined sub domain so an aaddition to the host file resolved it.
> I've trid a number of things with the host file but as it's a wildcard I
> don't see what I would add to the hosts as any number of subdomains on
> domain.net could resovle to a number of IP's.
> Any ideas?
> Regards,
> Ian.

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