> There are so many places to get the run mode from (a cgi param,
> any place that can be reached from a subroutine passed into the
> runmode sub) that it would probably be healthiest for the
> projected development of CGI::App to let the users bang on this on their
> own for a while before you impose a preconceived one-way-to-do-it.

I cannot see the logic behind this argument.  The 'so many places' you
mention - I haven't been able to find one that is actually useful (aside
from the proposed method.)  Adding this method doesn't limit any of the
user's abilities to do it however they want, if they want.  But it provides
a sub-classing friendly, clean implementation of something that was ( of the
week I spent on this ) not a simple thing to do well without
CGI::Application changes.

Jesse - I imagine that if you look at the lists, someone probably said
something like this ('lets not change') when you introduced cgiapp_init( ).

>   I know you are wisely asking this list our opinion, but I think
> it would be prudent to say that we don't know what the "right"
> answer is either, if such a thing exists.  But why would we?  We
> haven't taken what you've currently got for a spin yet. We haven't
> discovered the ins and outs of working with this new, cool toy.

However, some of us have been working very diligently on another (any other)
solution.  I would also argue that the list provides the 'right' answer.  Is
someone else using GCI::Application that I'm not aware of?

-- Cory

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