hello list,

    i suppose this is a really basic question, but i'm not sure that i'm
really thinking about this properly so i wanted to ask you for your
opinion on a good way to handle my situation.

    i have a form that needs to be filled in, basically i'm adding an
item to an inventory.  the user fills in a form with the item details
and hits submit.  if they input things correctly, they get a
congratulatory page, otherwise an error.  this is fine, but i'm not sure
how to handle this with C::A.

    as it stands, i've got a run mode which displays the form
(add_monitor) and accepts input.  when the form is submitted, it is
redirected via hidden form input to the 'add_monitor_process' run mode
(this run mode does not display anything to the user directly).  it
verifies the input and if it's clean attempts to add it to the database.
   if successful it issues "return $self->add_successful('monitor')",
otherwise it issues "return $self->error_page('couldn't add monitor')".

    this last part with the returns just doesn't feel right - is there a
way which is preferred by the C::A gurus out there that i haven't
heard/thought of?  could the new prerun code in C::A help with this?


  "The stuff you own ends up owning you ... It's only after you've lost 
everything that you're free to do anything." --tyler durden

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