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Date: Wed, 16 May 2007 15:03:52 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: En;[SIPAZ] New Alert At La Parota (Guerrero,May 2007

New Alert At La Parota (Guerrero, May 2007)

The hydroelectric dam project, La Parota, was developed by the Mexican  
government more than 30 years ago.  The  dam would affect 21 communities, 
including 17 communal ejido lands and 3 common lands (bienes  comunales), and 
becoming one of the largest in the entire world.  It would flood 17,300 
hectares of productive  lands.  More than 100,000 people would be  affected by 
the dam.  According to the  Human Rights Center Montaña Tlachinollán, more than 
25,000 people would be  displaced as their lands would be flooded (the Federal 
Commission of  Electricity, CFE, only recognizes that there would be 3,000 
people directly  affected.) Furthermore, the redirecting of the river would  
deprive 75,000 people of their water, including rural workers that need it for  
their crops (the Federal Commission of Electricity, CFE, didn't plan any  
compensation for those indirectly affected.)(1)

According to the Center for Economic and Political  Research and Community 
Action (CIEPAC), the objective of the dam project is to  provide energy to the 
maquiladoras,  to the large tourist centers, to the cities (primarily Acapulco) 
and the mining  industry, among others, and not to promote development and 
attend the needs of  the rural sector.  It would also  supply electricity to 
the South of the United States and connect to the  national and Central 
American electric grid.

In recent years, the division and polarization that  have arisen because of the 
project have provoked a number of deaths, grave  injuries and detentions.  
Confrontations  during assemblies have also provoked a number of injuries.

The Legal Battle since 2005

In 2005 various assemblies in communal ejido lands were carried out to 
determine whether or not to permit  the project from being carried out.   
Nevertheless, in 4 communities where the rural workers had supposedly  agreed 
to the expropriation of their lands - Cacahuatepec, Los Huajes, La Palma  and 
Dos Arroyos - the decision was later challenged.  The resolutions of 3 of them 
are still pending,  but the assembly in Cacahuatepec of March 27th 2007 was 
recognized to be  illegal.  In a hurried manner, a new  assembly was called in 
Cacahuatepec on May 6th 2007, which SIPAZ attended as  part of an observation 

The activists of the Council of Ejidos and Communities  Opposing La Parota 
(CECOP) are demanding that a consultation process be carried  out that includes 
all of those affected by the project, and not only the ones  that appear on the 
voting rolls of the community assemblies, but also those in  neighboring 
communities and landholdings, and that they be provided with exact  and 
impartial information regarding the impact of the dam and that all of those  
affected be compensated.  In the  framework of the demands to nullify the 4 
supposedly irregular assemblies,  various resolutions were enacted in favor of 
CECOP in September of 2006,  preventing the CFE and any other state or federal 
authority from entering the  lands of those 4 communities to carry out any work 
relating to the  hydroelectric project as long as the respective legal 
processes have not been  finalized.  In spite of this, the first  highways are 
being constructed in the zones where the possible dam construction  !
 is foreseen.

Various actors strongly criticized the ejido assemblies founded by the state  
and federal governments, denouncing that it amounted to a mechanism for the  
imposition of the hydroelectric project and not a true mechanism of  
consultation in violation of the Agrarian Law.

Reactions by International Organizations

In March of 2006, the CECOP presented their case  before the Latin American 
Water Tribunal (TLA), which judged against the  construction of the dam project 
and recommended its suspension.  Various instances of the United Nations have  
demonstrated their preoccupation and have denounced irregularities in the  
project.  Rodolfo Stavenhagen, the Special Rapporteur for the Situation of 
Human Rights and  Fundamental Liberties of Indigenous People, denounced the 
"abuses and violations of the indigenous rural workers in the  state of 
Guerrero opposed to the construction of the dam La Parota in their  
territories, which the State insists and carrying out without the free will of  
the population."

In May of 2006, the Committee for the Economic, Social  and Cultural Rights of 
the United Nations, declared their preoccupation before  the lack of 
consultation of the indigenous communities, as well as the  environmental 
deterioration that would result from the project.  In the beginning of March, 
Mexico's representative  to the United Nations High Commission of Human Rights, 
Amerigo Incalcaterra,  visited the territories of La Parota to meet with the 
affected population in  the communities of Garrapatas and Tasajeras, affirming 
the lack of information  and transparent consultation in this project.

Since 2004, Amnesty International has been documenting  the violence surrounded 
in the La Parota dam project, particularly the  homicides of three people and 
the injuries and death threats of a local  activist.  The organization does not 
have  any knowledge that any progress has been made in official investigations 
about  these incidents.

On May 2nd 2007, Amnesty International declared that  they "feared for the 
security" of the members of the CECOP, and that  their lives "may be in danger" 
because of their resistance to the dam  project promoted by the government.  It 
 questions in advance the consultation that was just realized in Cacahuatepec 
on  May 6th and foresees violent actions towards those opposing the project.


Press Release from the Civil Observation Mission
to the Assembly on La Parota, May 6th, 2007-05-12


The Civil  Observation Mission to "La Parota", a collective made up of 36 
people  from 16 organizations, national and international networks, was present 
in the  zone affected by the construction of the "La Parota" dam on the 5th  
and 6th of May and wishes to express publicly observations from the assembly:

According  to the Council of Ejidos and Communities Opposing "La Parota"  
(CECOP), the agrarian assembly convened for this May 6th in San Juan Grande, in 
 the Municipality of Acapulco, had the objective of legitimizing the  
expropriation of communal lands in order to begin construction of the  
hydroelectric 'mega-project' "La Parota".  This assembly was another attempt of 
that  which was carried out in San Marcos on August 23, 2005, which was 
recently  annulled (March 27, 2007) by the United Agrarian Tribunal in favor of 
the  opposition.

Before this  assembly and the possible repression or provocation by the 
authorities, we are  carrying out this civil observation mission in order to 
verify the proceedings  of this agrarian assembly.  The mission  comes as an 
answer to the national and international alerts put out by the CECOP  and was 
set in motion by 47 organizations from civil society, national and  
international networks.


The civil mission observed the following:

1.- To  begin, it should be pointed out that this is an assembly whose 
convening is  irregular for the following reasons:

First,  through various testimonies from different communal authorities, we 
were  informed that the call for the assembly was not posted in the most 
visible  places of the common lands (bienes  comunales) as demanded by article 
25 of the Agrarian Law.

Second,  that the assembly was convened in a different place than that 
recognized by the  traditional laws (usos y costumbres)  of the inhabitants of 
communal lands.   These are traditionally carried out in the municipal seat of 
the common  lands of Cacahuatepec.

2.- As far  as the assembly itself we state the following:

The table  was not set up because the Commissioner did not bring the official 
rolls  containing the names of inhabitants of communal lands, contrary to the  
indications of the Agrarian Law.

Nevertheless  the agrarian authority asked that the registration begin and only 
two people  signed in without any identification or document accrediting them 
as  inhabitants of communal lands.

Immediately  after, the Commissioner, without having passed the roll, suspended 
the Assembly  saying that there was not sufficient quorum, with only 543 
inhabitants of  communal lands - a number impossible to corroborate since the 
rolls were never  passed.

Fifteen  minutes after having arrived, the officials left, and on their way out 
signed  and posted a call for a second assembly, apparently planned beforehand. 
 The proof lies in the fact that in the call  for the second assembly, the 
annulment of the first assembly is justified by  the "violent events".  Here it 
 is important to point out that, in the entire process, there was not any  
violence nor attempted physical aggression by the present groups, as shown in  
the photographs, videos and testimonies collected by the Civil Observation  
Mission.  That represents a contradiction  with the arguments of the 
Commissioner to nullify the assembly.


The mission considers that       assemblies of this nature do not constitute an 
adequate mechanism of       consultation as determined by agreement 169 of the 
OIT, since according to       the information we have there are 43,000 
inhabitants of the common lands       of Cacahuatepec, and the lists only 
register 7,280; because of this it is       clear that these assemblies exclude 
the majority of the affected       population.
It is stated that the assembly       was irregular for the aforementioned 
The Civil Observation Mission       expresses its concern that the assembly was 
not organized in good spirit       and that it could have the objective of 
tiring the movement opposing the       dam, criminalize it and in this form 
justify the possible use of violence       and repression.  Furthermore, with   
    this, the presence of public forces is justified in future assemblies in    
   order to impose the project.
It worries us that with the       annulment of the communal assembly, the 
ensuing assemblies will require a       lower quorum in order to be valid, 
something that could be used as a       strategy by the authorities to 
facilitate the imposition of the project.
We restate that there was no       violence by any participating party, and 
that the opposition movement has       continued its peaceful and legal 
struggle to defend their rights as       people.
We view with concern that       behind the false claims of violence by the 
opposition that harassment,       threats and repression could be justified by 
the authorities.
We ask all of the communities       affected by the construction of the 
hydroelectric dam project "La       Parota" be guaranteed complete, exact and 
impartial information about       the project and the available compensations, 
and that the opposition not       suffer threats and intimidation as well as 
carry out legitimate protests       against the construction of the dam.        
Also the fulfillment of the international treaties and agreements       on 
human rights signed and ratified by Mexico.
We recommend that the upcoming       assemblies be public, as laid out in the 
Agrarian Law, allowing national       and international civil society to 
observe the proceedings.
The observation mission is       concerned that communal assemblies carried out 
in this manner may be a       factor leading to intercommunal violence and 
confrontations in the upcoming       assemblies between the opposition and 
those in favor.
The civil mission commits to       continue with this project for the next 
assembly on May 20th, and makes a       strong call to public opinion and civil 
society more generally to remain       alert and aware of the situation arising 
from the imposition of the       hydroelectric project "La Parota".
Civil Observation Mission: Espacio por los derechos Económicos, Sociales y 
Culturales, Servicios y Asesoría para la Paz (SERAPAZ), Amnistía Internacional 
&ndash; Sección Canada, Servicio Internacional para la Paz (SIPAZ), Red de 
organismos civiles de Derechos humanos &ldquo;Todos los derechos para Todos y 
Todas&rdquo;, Liga Mexicana de Defensa de los Derechos Humanos (LIMEDDH), 
Centro Ollin Mexica, Centro de Estudios Sociales y Culturales Antonio de 
Montesinos (CAM), ADHEM, Food First International Action network ofna. México 
(FIAN), RADAR, Red Género y Comercio (REDGE), Calpulli Tlatoani, Unión Popular 
Revolucionaria Emiliano Zapata (UPREZ), Asociación de Familiares de Detenidos 
Desaparecidos y Victimas de Violaciones a los Derechos Humanos en México 
(AFADEM), Hijas de la Caridad de San Vicente de Paul, Álvaro Urreta (comunero 
de Tlanepantla, Morelos), Paulina Fernández (Investigadora y académica de la 


(© LA JORNADA - Javier Verdín)

 SIPAZ.ORG - CR SIPAZ 1995 / 2007
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New Alert At La Parota (Guerrero, May 2007)

The hydroelectric dam project, La Parota, was developed by the Mexican 
government more than 30 years ago.  The dam would affect 21 communities, 
including 17 communal ejido lands and 3 common lands (bienes comunales), and 
becoming one of the largest in the entire world.  It would flood 17,300 
hectares of productive lands.  More than 100,000 people would be affected by 
the dam.  According to the Human Rights Center Montaña Tlachinollán, more than 
25,000 people would be displaced as their lands would be flooded (the Federal 
Commission of Electricity, CFE, only recognizes that there would be 3,000 
people directly affected.) Furthermore, the redirecting of the river would 
deprive 75,000 people of their water, including rural workers that need it for 
their crops (the Federal Commission of Electricity, CFE, didn't plan any 
compensation for those indirectly affected.)(1) (#1)

According to the Center for Economic and Political Research and Community 
Action (CIEPAC), the objective of the dam project is to provide energy to the 
maquiladoras, to the large tourist centers, to the cities (primarily Acapulco) 
and the mining industry, among others, and not to promote development and 
attend the needs of the rural sector.  It would also supply electricity to the 
South of the United States and connect to the national and Central American 
electric grid.

In recent years, the division and polarization that have arisen because of the 
project have provoked a number of deaths, grave injuries and detentions.  
Confrontations during assemblies have also provoked a number of injuries.

The Legal Battle since 2005

In 2005 various assemblies in communal ejido lands were carried out to 
determine whether or not to permit the project from being carried out.  
Nevertheless, in 4 communities where the rural workers had supposedly agreed to 
the expropriation of their lands - Cacahuatepec, Los Huajes, La Palma and Dos 
Arroyos - the decision was later challenged.  The resolutions of 3 of them are 
still pending, but the assembly in Cacahuatepec of March 27th 2007 was 
recognized to be illegal.  In a hurried manner, a new assembly was called in 
Cacahuatepec on May 6th 2007, which SIPAZ attended as part of an observation 
mission (#boletin) .

The activists of the Council of Ejidos and Communities Opposing La Parota 
(CECOP) are demanding that a consultation process be carried out that includes 
all of those affected by the project, and not only the ones that appear on the 
voting rolls of the community assemblies, but also those in neighboring 
communities and landholdings, and that they be provided with exact and 
impartial information regarding the impact of the dam and that all of those 
affected be compensated.  In the framework of the demands to nullify the 4 
supposedly irregular assemblies, various resolutions were enacted in favor of 
CECOP in September of 2006, preventing the CFE and any other state or federal 
authority from entering the lands of those 4 communities to carry out any work 
relating to the hydroelectric project as long as the respective legal processes 
have not been finalized.  In spite of this, the first highways are being 
constructed in the zones where the possible dam construction is foreseen.

Various actors strongly criticized the ejido assemblies founded by the state 
and federal governments, denouncing that it amounted to a mechanism for the 
imposition of the hydroelectric project and not a true mechanism of 
consultation in violation of the Agrarian Law.

Reactions by International Organizations

In March of 2006, the CECOP presented their case before the Latin American 
Water Tribunal (TLA), which judged against the construction of the dam project 
and recommended its suspension.  Various instances of the United Nations have 
demonstrated their preoccupation and have denounced irregularities in the 
project.  Rodolfo Stavenhagen, the Special Rapporteur for the Situation of 
Human Rights and Fundamental Liberties of Indigenous People, denounced the 
"abuses and violations of the indigenous rural workers in the state of Guerrero 
opposed to the construction of the dam La Parota in their territories, which 
the State insists and carrying out without the free will of the population."

In May of 2006, the Committee for the Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of 
the United Nations, declared their preoccupation before the lack of 
consultation of the indigenous communities, as well as the environmental 
deterioration that would result from the project.  In the beginning of March, 
Mexico's representative to the United Nations High Commission of Human Rights, 
Amerigo Incalcaterra, visited the territories of La Parota to meet with the 
affected population in the communities of Garrapatas and Tasajeras, affirming 
the lack of information and transparent consultation in this project.

Since 2004, Amnesty International has been documenting the violence surrounded 
in the La Parota dam project, particularly the homicides of three people and 
the injuries and death threats of a local activist.  The organization does not 
have any knowledge that any progress has been made in official investigations 
about these incidents.

On May 2nd 2007, Amnesty International declared that they "feared for the 
security" of the members of the CECOP, and that their lives "may be in danger" 
because of their resistance to the dam project promoted by the government.  It 
questions in advance the consultation that was just realized in Cacahuatepec on 
May 6th and foresees violent actions towards those opposing the project.

1  Talchinollán  (#V1)


Press Release from the Civil Observation Mission
 to the Assembly on La Parota, May 6th, 2007-05-12


The Civil Observation Mission to "La Parota", a collective made up of 36 people 
from 16 organizations, national and international networks, was present in the 
zone affected by the construction of the "La Parota" dam on the 5th and 6th of 
May and wishes to express publicly observations from the assembly:

According to the Council of Ejidos and Communities Opposing "La Parota" 
(CECOP), the agrarian assembly convened for this May 6th in San Juan Grande, in 
the Municipality of Acapulco, had the objective of legitimizing the 
expropriation of communal lands in order to begin construction of the 
hydroelectric 'mega-project' "La Parota".  This assembly was another attempt of 
that which was carried out in San Marcos on August 23, 2005, which was recently 
annulled (March 27, 2007) by the United Agrarian Tribunal in favor of the 

Before this assembly and the possible repression or provocation by the 
authorities, we are carrying out this civil observation mission in order to 
verify the proceedings of this agrarian assembly.  The mission comes as an 
answer to the national and international alerts put out by the CECOP and was 
set in motion by 47 organizations from civil society, national and 
international networks.


The civil mission observed the following:

1.- To begin, it should be pointed out that this is an assembly whose convening 
is irregular for the following reasons:

First, through various testimonies from different communal authorities, we were 
informed that the call for the assembly was not posted in the most visible 
places of the common lands (bienes comunales) as demanded by article 25 of the 
Agrarian Law.

Second, that the assembly was convened in a different place than that 
recognized by the traditional laws (usos y costumbres) of the inhabitants of 
communal lands.  These are traditionally carried out in the municipal seat of 
the common lands of Cacahuatepec.

2.- As far as the assembly itself we state the following:

The table was not set up because the Commissioner did not bring the official 
rolls containing the names of inhabitants of communal lands, contrary to the 
indications of the Agrarian Law.

Nevertheless the agrarian authority asked that the registration begin and only 
two people signed in without any identification or document accrediting them as 
inhabitants of communal lands.

Immediately after, the Commissioner, without having passed the roll, suspended 
the Assembly saying that there was not sufficient quorum, with only 543 
inhabitants of communal lands - a number impossible to corroborate since the 
rolls were never passed.

Fifteen minutes after having arrived, the officials left, and on their way out 
signed and posted a call for a second assembly, apparently planned beforehand.  
The proof lies in the fact that in the call for the second assembly, the 
annulment of the first assembly is justified by the "violent events".  Here it 
is important to point out that, in the entire process, there was not any 
violence nor attempted physical aggression by the present groups, as shown in 
the photographs, videos and testimonies collected by the Civil Observation 
Mission.  That represents a contradiction with the arguments of the 
Commissioner to nullify the assembly.

* .1  The mission considers that assemblies of this nature do not constitute an 
adequate mechanism of consultation as determined by agreement 169 of the OIT, 
since according to the information we have there are 43,000 inhabitants of the 
common lands of Cacahuatepec, and the lists only register 7,280; because of 
this it is clear that these assemblies exclude the majority of the affected 
* .2  It is stated that the assembly was irregular for the aforementioned 
* .3  The Civil Observation Mission expresses its concern that the assembly was 
not organized in good spirit and that it could have the objective of tiring the 
movement opposing the dam, criminalize it and in this form justify the possible 
use of violence and repression.  Furthermore, with this, the presence of public 
forces is justified in future assemblies in order to impose the project.
* .4  It worries us that with the annulment of the communal assembly, the 
ensuing assemblies will require a lower quorum in order to be valid, something 
that could be used as a strategy by the authorities to facilitate the 
imposition of the project.
* .5  We restate that there was no violence by any participating party, and 
that the opposition movement has continued its peaceful and legal struggle to 
defend their rights as people.
* .6  We view with concern that behind the false claims of violence by the 
opposition that harassment, threats and repression could be justified by the 
* .7  We ask all of the communities affected by the construction of the 
hydroelectric dam project "La Parota" be guaranteed complete, exact and 
impartial information about the project and the available compensations, and 
that the opposition not suffer threats and intimidation as well as carry out 
legitimate protests against the construction of the dam.  Also the fulfillment 
of the international treaties and agreements on human rights signed and 
ratified by Mexico.
* .8  We recommend that the upcoming assemblies be public, as laid out in the 
Agrarian Law, allowing national and international civil society to observe the 
* .9  The observation mission is concerned that communal assemblies carried out 
in this manner may be a factor leading to intercommunal violence and 
confrontations in the upcoming assemblies between the opposition and those in 
* .10  The civil mission commits to continue with this project for the next 
assembly on May 20th, and makes a strong call to public opinion and civil 
society more generally to remain alert and aware of the situation arising from 
the imposition of the hydroelectric project "La Parota".

Civil Observation Mission: Espacio por los derechos Económicos, Sociales y 
Culturales, Servicios y Asesoría para la Paz (SERAPAZ), Amnistía Internacional 
&ndash; Sección Canada, Servicio Internacional para la Paz (SIPAZ), Red de 
organismos civiles de Derechos humanos &ldquo;Todos los derechos para Todos y 
Todas&rdquo;, Liga Mexicana de Defensa de los Derechos Humanos (LIMEDDH), 
Centro Ollin Mexica, Centro de Estudios Sociales y Culturales Antonio de 
Montesinos (CAM), ADHEM, Food First International Action network ofna. México 
(FIAN), RADAR, Red Género y Comercio (REDGE), Calpulli Tlatoani, Unión Popular 
Revolucionaria Emiliano Zapata (UPREZ), Asociación de Familiares de Detenidos 
Desaparecidos y Victimas de Violaciones a los Derechos Humanos en México 
(AFADEM), Hijas de la Caridad de San Vicente de Paul, Álvaro Urreta (comunero 
de Tlanepantla, Morelos), Paulina Fernández (Investigadora y académica de la 


(© LA JORNADA - Javier Verdín)

SIPAZ.ORG (  - CR SIPAZ 1995/ 2007


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