On 9/24/07, Peter Bex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 24, 2007 at 04:29:25PM -0400, William Ramsay wrote:
> > Why not just return a list and make it simple?

I forgot to add this form, which "returns a list":

(receive my-list (imlib:pixel/rgba img x y)
   (do-something-with my-list))

It doesn't really return a list, of course, but the pattern-match
creates one for you.

> I don't like
> it one bit, precisely for this reason: it's damned confusing.  I want
> an error if I forgot to receive all values, I don't want the first
> value, dammit!

Personally, I find it useful. In this particular example, it makes
less sense -- who wants the red-value without the other values as
well? But there are useful cases for a "primary return value" with
optional, secondary ones.

> Complain to Felix about this if you don't like it :)

You can if you wish, but I'll counter-complain. ;-)


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