On 17-Aug-16 08:36, Elizabeth A. Fischer wrote:
> > I don't think CMake is the best place to do it,
> Can you provide any details? I personally think that CMake is a
> natural and the only place where it should be done.

The most important reason here is because there are combinatorially
many versions of a package you COULD install, depending on what
versions of its dependencies you link with, and CMake provides nothing
to address that issue.
CMake provides an abstraction. "Slots" that you need to fill:

    # need to have GTest installed
    # need to have OpenSSL installed

And it should drive package manager. At least I find that approach natural and convenient, see no problems with it. You can have as much combinations of versions/options/dependencies as you need:
* https://docs.hunter.sh/en/latest/overview/customization/hunter-id.html
* https://docs.hunter.sh/en/latest/overview/customization/config-id.html

  See here for an overview of how Spack
addresses the combinatorial versioning issue (which no other
auto-builder does, to the best of my knowledge):

That's what I was talking about. I think that there is no need to introduce new funky syntax like "spack install mpileaks@1.1.2 %gcc@4.7.3 +debug". We already have CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER and CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE/CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES. Version can be set by CMake options too.
Effectively you can do:

  option(FOO_STABLE_BUILD "Stable build" ON)
  option(FOO_EXPERIMENTAL_BUILD "Experimental build" OFF)

    hunter_config(BooPackage VERSION "1.0")

hunter_config(BooPackage VERSION "2.0-beta" CMAKE_ARGS BOO_NEW_STUFF=YES)

Once you've built something, it's nice to be able to re-use it.  If I
have a top-level CMake project that automatically builds three
dependencies, will other projects be able to make use of those
dependencies I've built?
Yes, libraries should be installed to the shared root, not to local folder:
* https://docs.hunter.sh/en/latest/overview/shareable.html

  Or do they become private?
No. Though you can make it private by setting CMake variable. It will use separate directory just like virtualenv do.

  If libraries
cannot be shared between applications, you will get a LOT of library
bloat, especially among the low-level libraries that get repeated
numerous times.  Admittedly, this may not be such an issue in some
environments where people are really only focused on building one

If you make a project, you might see it as a "top-level" project. But someone else might want to build something bigger on top of your work. You can never assume that "this package is top-level and no one will ever depend on it."
No issue here, see notes above.

Another obvious problem with using CMake for everything is that not
all packages come with CMake builds; most do not, in fact. Even if we
CAN re-write all the buils into CMake, that is a lot of extra effort.
As Florent has discovered, upstream authors do not always see a CMake
build in a favorable light, and these re-worked builds are not always
as functional as the original. Moreover... writing a Spack recipe is an order of magnitude easier than writing a CMake build. Usually, it's just a matter of calling `configure` or `cmake` with the right options.
Again, converting to CMake is a best option, but not the only possible one. E.g. OpenSSL, Boost, autotool-based package like X11 can be used as is: * https://github.com/ruslo/hunter/blob/b4c370e32798cc3da74c37e4156c3bfc77add379/cmake/projects/Boost/hunter.cmake#L21 * https://github.com/ruslo/hunter/blob/b4c370e32798cc3da74c37e4156c3bfc77add379/cmake/projects/OpenSSL/hunter.cmake#L17 * https://github.com/ruslo/hunter/blob/b4c370e32798cc3da74c37e4156c3bfc77add379/cmake/projects/x11/hunter.cmake#L20

Although we can maybe imagine a world in which everyone eventually
abandons Autotools for CMake, it is still not realistic to expect that
Python, Haskell or Java programs will ever come with CMake builds.
This would be OK if each language exited in its own silo. But they
don't.  Python packages (built with setuptools) routinely depend on
C-based packages (built with Autotools or CMake).  By being agnostic
to the build system, auto-builders (like Spack, Macports, HomeBrew,
etc) are able to make packages work together, regardless of the build
system chosen for each one.
That's exactly what Hunter do, but using CMake as a driver.

In the sense that CMake is a Turing-complete language, there's no
fundamental reason you CAN'T write a meta-builder in CMake.  But
gosh... the language sure is arcane (but still better than Autotools
by a long shot).  I like to imagine that if CMake were starting off
today, it would be written in Python.
Language is a pain, I totally agree. But language will change nothing if design is originally bad. GYP use Python so what? Does the syntax sexy? Does it scale? No, it's just another "Works for me!" tool...

> It is difficult indeed but it's the only way to reach the goal.

Not sure what goal here.
Extendable, customizable and easy reusable solution.

  My software stack requires about 70
packages.  I'm so glad I didn't have to rewrite 70 CMake builds.  As
long as an Autotools build works (meaning it puts stuff in prefix/bin, prefix/lib, etc. at the end of the day), and I don't have to look at it, why
do I care?
That's the point - it doesn't. For example it's not possible to have different build types (Release/Debug) installed into one root but with different suffixes like CMake do. *.pc files created by autotools contain full path so you can't build your code on remote machine and download it to the local one. At least those are the problems we did hit, so if I missing something please let me know.

> Exceptions are big libraries with a lot of components such as Qt or
> Boost, it's unmaintainable approach, inevitable evil :(

I guess I rely on a lot of evil libraries.
Me too, I'm just saying that I don't use "add new CMakeLists.txt to this project" approach.


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