Are there any improvements to the cmake -server mode? I am testing the combination of QtCreator and CMake and there seemed to be an issue where the list of projects are in Alphabetical order and not in a "top down" order.
Michael A. Jackson
BlueQuartz Software, LLC

Robert Maynard wrote:
I am proud to announce the first CMake 3.8 release candidate.

Documentation is available at:

Release notes appear below and are also published at

Some of the more significant changes in CMake 3.8 are:

* CMake now supports "CSharp" (C#) as a first-class language. It is
   currently supported by the Visual Studio Generators for VS 2010
   and above.

* CMake now supports "CUDA" as a first-class language. It is
   currently supported by the Makefile Generators and the
   "Ninja" generator on Linux, macOS, and Windows. Support for the
   Visual Studio IDE is under development but not included in this

* The "Compile Features" functionality now offers meta-features that
   request compiler modes for specific language standard levels (e.g.
   "cxx_std_11").  See "CMAKE_C_KNOWN_FEATURES" and

* The "Compile Features" functionality is now aware of C++ 17.  No
   specific features are yet enumerated besides the "cxx_std_17" meta-

* The Visual Studio Generators for VS 2013 and above learned to
   support a "host=x64" option in the "CMAKE_GENERATOR_TOOLSET" value
   (e.g.  via the "cmake(1)" "-T" option) to request use of a VS 64-bit
   toolchain on 64-bit hosts.

* The Visual Studio Generators learned to treat files passed to
   "target_link_libraries()" whose names end in ".targets" as MSBuild
   "targets" files to be imported into generated project files.

* The "try_compile()" command source file signature gained new
   options to specify the language standard to use in the generated
   test project.

* The "try_compile()" command source file signature now honors
   language standard variables like "CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD". See policy

* A "BUILD_RPATH" target property and corresponding
   "CMAKE_BUILD_RPATH" variable were added to support custom "RPATH"
   locations to be added to binaries in the build tree.

* The "COMPILE_FLAGS" source file property learned to support
   "generator expressions".

* A new generator expression "$<IF:cond,true-value,false-value>" was
   added. It resolves to the true-value if the condition is "1" and
   resolves to the false-value if the condition is "0".

* The "Compile Features" functionality is now aware of features
   supported by Intel C++ compilers versions 12.1 through 17.0 on UNIX
   and Windows platforms.

* The Visual Studio Generators for VS 2010 and above now place per-
   source file flags after target-wide flags when they are classified
   as raw flags with no project file setting ("AdditionalOptions").
   This behavior is more consistent with the ordering of flags produced
   by other generators, and allows flags on more-specific properties
   (per-source) to override those on more general ones (per-target).

* The precompiled Windows binary MSI package provided on ""
   now records the installation directory in the Windows Registry under
   the key "HKLM\Software\Kitware\CMake" with a value named

CMake 3.8 Release Notes

Changes made since CMake 3.7 include the following.

New Features



* CMake learned to support "CSharp" (C#) as a first-class language
   that can be enabled via the "project()" and "enable_language()"
   commands.  It is currently supported by the Visual Studio Generators
   for VS 2010 and above.

   C# assemblies and programs can be added just like common C++ targets
   using the "add_library()" and "add_executable()" commands.
   References between C# targets in the same source tree may be
   specified by "target_link_libraries()" like for C++.  References to
   system or 3rd-party assemblies may be specified by the target
   properties "VS_DOTNET_REFERENCE_<refname>" and

* More fine tuning of C# targets may be done using target and source
   file properties.  Specifically the target properties related to
   Visual Studio ("VS_*") are worth a look (for setting toolset
   versions, root namespaces, assembly icons, ...).

* Auto-linking in ".csproj" files: In C#/.NET development with
   Visual Studio there are a number of visual editors used which
   generate code.  Both the generated files and the ones edited with
   the UI are connected in the ".csproj" file using "<DependentUpon>"
   tags.  If CMake finds within a C# project any source file with
   extension ".Designer.cs" or ".xaml.cs", it checks sibling files with
   extension ".xaml", ".settings", ".resx" or ".cs" and establishes the
   dependency connection.


* CMake learned to support "CUDA" as a first-class language that can
   be enabled via the "project()" and "enable_language()" commands.

* "CUDA" is currently supported by the Makefile Generators and the
   "Ninja" generator on Linux, macOS, and Windows. Support for the
   Visual Studio IDE is under development but not included in this

* The NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit compiler ("nvcc") is supported.

C&  C++

* The "Compile Features" functionality now offers meta-features that
   request compiler modes for specific language standard levels (e.g.
   "cxx_std_11").  See "CMAKE_C_KNOWN_FEATURES" and

* The "Compile Features" functionality is now aware of C++ 17.  No
   specific features are yet enumerated besides the "cxx_std_17" meta-

* The "Compile Features" functionality is now aware of the
   availability of C99 in gcc since version 3.4.


* A new minimal platform file for "Fuchsia" was added.


* The "CodeBlocks" extra generator may now be used to generate with
   "NMake Makefiles JOM".

* The Visual Studio Generators for VS 2013 and above learned to
   support a "host=x64" option in the "CMAKE_GENERATOR_TOOLSET" value
   (e.g.  via the "cmake(1)" "-T" option) to request use of a VS 64-bit
   toolchain on 64-bit hosts.

* The Visual Studio Generators learned to treat files passed to
   "target_link_libraries()" whose names end in ".targets" as MSBuild
   "targets" files to be imported into generated project files.


* The "add_custom_command()" and "add_custom_target()" commands
   learned the option "COMMAND_EXPAND_LISTS" which causes lists in the
   "COMMAND" argument to be expanded, including lists created by
   generator expressions.

* The "execute_process()" command gained an "ENCODING" option to
   specify on Windows which encoding is used for output from child

* The "math(EXPR)" command gained support for unary "+" and "-"

* The "source_group()" command gained "TREE" and "PREFIX" options to
   add groups following source tree directory structure.

* The "string(TIMESTAMP)" command learned to treat "%%" as a way to
   encode plain "%".

* The "string(TIMESTAMP)" command will now honor the
   "SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH" environment variable and use its value instead
   of the current time.

* The "try_compile()" command source file signature gained new
   options to specify the language standard to use in the generated
   test project.

* The "try_compile()" command source file signature now honors
   language standard variables like "CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD". See policy


* A "CMAKE_CODELITE_USE_TARGETS" variable was added to tell the
   "CodeLite" extra generator to change the generated project to have
   target-centric organization. The "build", "rebuild", and "clean"
   operations within "CodeLite" then work on a selected target rather
   than the whole workspace. (Note that the "Ninja" clean operation on
   a target includes its dependencies, though.)

* The "CMAKE_SUBLIME_TEXT_2_ENV_SETTINGS" variable was added to tell
   the "Sublime Text 2" extra generator to place specified environment
   variables in the generated ".sublime-project".

* The "CMAKE_SUBLIME_TEXT_2_EXCLUDE_BUILD_TREE" variable was added
   to tell the "Sublime Text 2" extra generator whether to exclude the
   build tree from the ".sublime-project" when it is inside the source

   to tell Visual Studio Generators for VS 2010 and above to include
   the "PACKAGE" target in the default build, similar to the existing
   "INSTALL" target.


* A "BUILD_RPATH" target property and corresponding
   "CMAKE_BUILD_RPATH" variable were added to support custom "RPATH"
   locations to be added to binaries in the build tree.

* The "COMPILE_FLAGS" source file property learned to support
   "generator expressions".

* The "FRAMEWORK" target property may now also be applied to static
   libraries on Apple targets.  It will result in a proper Framework
   but with a static library inside.

* Imported Interface Libraries learned new "IMPORTED_LIBNAME" and
   "IMPORTED_LIBNAME_<CONFIG>" target properties to specify a link
   library name since interface libraries do not build their own
   library files.

* A "<LANG>_CPPLINT" target property and supporting
   "CMAKE_<LANG>_CPPLINT" variable were introduced to tell the Makefile
   Generators and the "Ninja" generator to run the "cpplint" style
   checker along with the compiler for "C" and "CXX" languages.

* A "MANUALLY_ADDED_DEPENDENCIES" target property has been added. It
   provides a read-only list of dependencies that have been added with
   the "add_dependencies()" command.

* The "MAP_IMPORTED_CONFIG_<CONFIG>" target property learned to
   interpret empty list elements as referring to the configuration-less
   imported location specified by "IMPORTED_LOCATION".

* The "NO_SYSTEM_FROM_IMPORTED" target property is now supported on
   Imported Interface Libraries.

* New source file properties "SKIP_AUTOMOC", "SKIP_AUTOUIC",
   "SKIP_AUTORCC", and "SKIP_AUTOGEN" were added to allow source files
   to be excluded from processing by "AUTOMOC", "AUTOUIC", and
   "AUTORCC" target properties.

* A "VS_COPY_TO_OUT_DIR" source file property was added to tell
   Visual Studio Generators for VS 2010 and above whether or not a file
   should e copied to the output directory.

* A "VS_DEBUGGER_WORKING_DIRECTORY" target property was added to
   tell Visual Studio Generators for VS 2010 and above what debugger
   working directory should be set for the target.

* A "VS_DOTNET_REFERENCES_COPY_LOCAL" target property was added to
   specify whether to copy referenced assemblies to the output

* A "VS_DOTNET_REFERENCE_<refname>" target property was added to
   tell Visual Studio Generators for VS 2010 and above to add a .NET
   reference with a given hint path.

* A "VS_INCLUDE_IN_VSIX" source file property was added to tell
   Visual Studio Generators for VS 2010 and above whether to include
   the file in a Visual Studio extension package.

* A "VS_RESOURCE_GENERATOR" source file property was added to give
   Visual Studio Generators for VS 2010 and above a setting for the
   resource generator ("C#" only).

* A "VS_USER_PROPS" target property was added to tell Visual Studio
   Generators for VS 2010 and above to use a custom MSBuild user
   ".props" file.

* A "XCODE_EMIT_EFFECTIVE_PLATFORM_NAME" global property was added
   to tell the "Xcode" generator whether to emit the
   "EFFECTIVE_PLATFORM_NAME" variable.  This is useful when building
   with multiple SDKs like "macosx" and "iphoneos" in parallel.

   properties were created to tell the "Xcode" generator to use custom
   values of the corresponding attributes for a target in the generated
   Xcode project.


* The "ExternalData" module learned to support multiple content
   links for one data file using different hashes, e.g.
   "img.png.sha256" and "img.png.sha1".  This allows objects to be
   fetched from sources indexed by different hash algorithms.

* The "ExternalProject" module gained the "GIT_PROGRESS" option to
   force Git to show progress when cloning repositories.

* The "ExternalProject" module gained a "GIT_CONFIG" option to pass
   " --config" options to Git when cloning repositories.

* The "FeatureSummary" module "feature_summary()" command now
   accepts a new "QUIET_ON_EMPTY" option that suppresses the output
   when the list of packages that belong to the selected category is

* The "FeatureSummary" module "add_feature_info()" command now
   accepts lists of dependencies for deciding whether a feature is
   enabled or not.

* The package types accepted by the "FeatureSummary" module can now
   be tweaked by changing the "FeatureSummary_PKG_TYPES",
   "FeatureSummary_REQUIRED_PKG_TYPES" and
   "FeatureSummary_DEFAULT_PKG_TYPE" global properties.

* The "FindOpenGL" module now provides imported targets "OpenGL::GL"
   and "OpenGL::GLU" when the libraries are found.

* The "UseSWIG" module gained a "swig_add_library" command to give
   more flexibility over the old "swig_add_module" command.

* The "UseSWIG" module "swig_add_source_to_module" command learned a
   new "SWIG_OUTFILE_DIR" option to control the output file location
   ("swig -o").

* The "WriteCompilerDetectionHeader" module gained the
   options that allow creation of headers that will work also with
   unknown or old compilers by simply assuming they do not support any
   of the requested features.


* The "ctest_memcheck()" command gained a "DEFECT_COUNT<var>"
   option to capture the number of memory defects detected.

* The "ctest_memcheck()" command learned to read the location of
   suppressions files for sanitizers from the

* The "ctest_memcheck()" command learned to support "LeakSanitizer"
   independently from "AddressSanitizer".

* The "ctest_update()" command "CDASH_UPLOAD" signature was taught
   to honor the "RETRY_COUNT", "RETRY_DELAY", and "QUIET" options.


* The "CPackIFWConfigureFile" module was added to define a new
   "cpack_ifw_configure_file()" command to configure file templates
   prepared in QtIFW/SDK/Creator style.

* The "CPackIFW" module "cpack_ifw_configure_component()" and
   "cpack_ifw_configure_component_group()" commands gained a new
   options to more specific configuration.

* The "CPackIFW" module "cpack_ifw_configure_component()" command
   gained a new "DEPENDENCIES" alias for "DEPENDS" option.

* The "CPackIFW" module "cpack_ifw_configure_component_group()"
   command gained a new "DEPENDS" option. The "DEPENDENCIES" alias also

* The "CPackIFW" module "cpack_ifw_configure_component()" and
   "cpack_ifw_configure_component_group()" commands "PRIORITY" option
   now is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of CMake.
   Please use new "SORTING_PRIORITY" option instead.

* The "CPackIFW" module gained new "CPACK_IFW_PACKAGE_WATERMARK",
   "CPACK_IFW_PACKAGE_TITLE_COLOR" variables to customize a QtIFW
   installer look.

* The "CPackProductBuild" module gained options to sign packages.

* The "CPackRPM" module learned to omit tags that are not supported
   by provided "rpmbuild" tool. If unsupported tags are set they are
   ignored and a developer warning is printed out.

* The "CPackRPM" module learned to generate main component package
   which forces generation of a rpm for defined component without
   component suffix in filename and package name. See

* The "CPackRPM" module learned to generate a single "debuginfo"
   package on demand even if components packaging is used. See

* The "CPackRPM" module learned to support multiple directives per
   file when using "CPACK_RPM_USER_FILELIST" variable.


* CMake functionality using cryptographic hashes now supports SHA-3

* A new generator expression "$<IF:cond,true-value,false-value>" was
   added. It resolves to the true-value if the condition is "1" and
   resolves to the false-value if the condition is "0".

Deprecated and Removed Features

* The "FeatureSummary" module commands "set_package_info()",
   "set_feature_info()", "print_enabled_features()", and
   "print_disabled_features()" are now deprecated.

* The "UseSWIG" module "swig_add_module" command is now deprecated
   in favor of "swig_add_library".

Other Changes

* If a command specified by the "<LANG>_CLANG_TIDY" target property
   returns non-zero at build time this is now treated as an error
   instead of silently ignored.

* The "ctest_memcheck()" command no longer automatically adds
   "leak_check=1" to the options used by "AddressSanitizer". The
   default behavior of "AddressSanitizer" is to run *LeakSanitizer* to
   check leaks unless "leak_check=0".

* The "ctest_memcheck()" command was fixed to correctly append extra
   sanitizer options read from the
   "CTEST_MEMORYCHECK_SANITIZER_OPTIONS" variable to the environment
   variables used internally by the sanitizers.

* The "FeatureSummary" module "set_package_properties()" command no
   longer forces the package type to "OPTIONAL" when the type is not
   explicitly set.

* The "Compile Features" functionality is now aware of features
   supported by Intel C++ compilers versions 12.1 through 17.0 on UNIX
   and Windows platforms.

* Calls to the "FindPkgConfig" module "pkg_check_modules()" command
   following a successful call learned to re-evaluate the cached values
   for a given prefix after changes to the parameters to the command
   for that prefix.

* When using "AUTOMOC" or "AUTOUIC", generated "moc_*", "*.moc" and
   "ui_*" are placed in the
   "<CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR>/<TARGETNAME>_autogen/include" directory
   which is automatically added to the target's "INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES".
   It is therefore not necessary anymore to have

* The "Sublime Text 2" generator no longer runs the native build
   command (e.g. "ninja" or "make") with verbose build output enabled.

* The "try_compile()" command source file signature now honors the
   "CMAKE_WARN_DEPRECATED" variable value in the generated test

* The Visual Studio Generators for VS 2010 and above now place per-
   source file flags after target-wide flags when they are classified
   as raw flags with no project file setting ("AdditionalOptions").
   This behavior is more consistent with the ordering of flags produced
   by other generators, and allows flags on more-specific properties
   (per-source) to override those on more general ones (per-target).

* The precompiled Windows binary MSI package provided on ""
   now records the installation directory in the Windows Registry under
   the key "HKLM\Software\Kitware\CMake" with a value named

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