I got it to work!  The problem was that the context.xml had to be inside the
.war.  (after pasting the context.xml to META-INF, I had to `jar -cf
continuum-webapp-1.1.war -C continuum-webapp-1.1 .`)

The context.xml I used was:


      <Resource name="jdbc/users"
                url="jdbc:derby:database/users;create=true" />

      <Resource name="jdbc/continuum"
                url="jdbc:derby:database/continuum;create=true" />

      <Resource name="mail/Session"

However, I also got it to work using <Context path="/some-erraneous-value"
docBase="some-other-erraneous-value">.  As far as I understand, path and
docBase are ignored when they're read from META-INF.

Is this really the most recommended way of setting JNDI?  Putting the
context.xml into META-INF and re-packaging the .war?

Thank you,

-- Dan

On Sat, Mar 8, 2008 at 7:45 PM, Dan Kigelman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello!
> I was going through the installation instructions for continuum (
> http://maven.apache.org/continuum/docs/1.1/installation/tomcat.html#Defining_JNDI_Resources)
> and failing for both tomcat 6.x and 5.x.
> The error message I was most often having was: "
> javax.jdo.JDODataStoreException: Failed initialising database. Please
> check that your database JDBC driver is accessible, and the database URL and
> username/password are correct. Exception : Cannot create JDBC driver of
> class '' for connect URL 'null'"
> (As I understand it, the JNDI context not being configured correctly, the
> url and driver strings had no values.)
> The configuration that finally worked for me was technique #2 for tomcat
> 5.5.26:
> "Creating a $CATALINA_HOME/conf/Catalina/localhost/continuum.xml
> containing a <Context> element."
> I am still not able to get this to work using technique #1: "Creating a
> $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/continuum/META-INF/context.xml containing a <Context>
> element."  Since this is the most recommended technique, I wanted to get
> this to work, especially since I can't find a conf/Catalina/localhost for
> tomcat 6.
> My context.xml file looks like this:
> <Context path="/continuum-webapp-1.1"
>          docBase="continuum-webapp-1.1">
>   <Resource name="jdbc/users"
>             auth="Container"
>             type="javax.sql.DataSource"
>             username="sa"
>             password=""
>             driverClassName="org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver"
>             url="jdbc:derby:database/users;create=true" />
>   <Resource name="jdbc/continuum"
>             auth="Container"
>             type="javax.sql.DataSource"
>             username="sa"
>             password=""
>             driverClassName="org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver"
>             url="jdbc:derby:database/continuum;create=true" />
>   <Resource name="mail/Session"
>             auth="Container"
>             type="javax.mail.Session"
>             mail.smtp.host="localhost"/>
> </Context>
> Any ideas on what I may be doing wrong?
> Much thanks,
> -- Dan

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