Hi all,

I have a structure that we have almost completed (2.66 A ) and the space group 
is P1, R factor is around 0.20940.25. When I turn on cell symmetry to see 
related symmetry molecules, there are cases that some related molecules can be 
seen and a specific case where there is an intersection of 3 related molecules 
and one is missing. There is clear density for this but only one of the 2 
symmetry molecules are displayed. When the symmetry related molecules are 
generated in Pymol, it is there and when that specific one is read into Coot it 
fills the density appropriately. There is no overlap crossover what-so-ever but 
there are numerous contacts.

Is there something I am missing?


Joel Tyndall, PhD

Associate Professor in Medicinal Chemistry
National School of Pharmacy
University of Otago
PO Box 56 Dunedin 9054
New Zealand
Skype: jtyndall

Ph: +64 3 479 7293

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