A jiggle fit, at least under keybinding, refuse to work. I can see following error message:

In /local/protein/ccp4/ccp4-7.0/share/guile/gtk-2.0/gtk.scm:
 147:  0* [apply #<procedure #f ()> ()]
In unknown file:
   ?:  1  [#<procedure #f ()>]
   ?:  2  [format:out #<output: standard output 1> ...]
In /local/protein/ccp4/ccp4-7.0/share/guile/1.8/ice-9/format.scm:
 193:  3  (let ((arg-pos #) (arg-len #)) (cond (# # # #) (else # #t)))
193: 4* [format:format-work "WARNING:: placeholder for non-scheme function: ~s~%" ...] 209: 5 (letrec (# # # # ...) (set! format:pos 0) (set! format:arg-pos 0) ...)
 805:  6* [anychar-dispatch]
 289:  7  (if (>= format:pos format-string-len) arg-pos ...)
 323:  8  (case (char-upcase #) (# # # #) (# # # #) ...)
 336:  9* [format:out-obj-padded #f ...
 337: 10*  [next-arg]
 263: 11*  (if (>= arg-pos arg-len) (begin # #))
264: 12 (begin (set! format:arg-pos #) (format:error "missing argument(s)"))
In unknown file:
   ?: 13   [scm-error misc-error #f "~A" ("error in format") #f]
<unnamed port>: In procedure scm-error in expression (scm-error (quote misc-error) #f ...):
<unnamed port>: error in format

It is 0.8.8 from ccp4 package. Haven't tested on nightlies as I am affecetd by haswell-GPU-dynamic-library bug.



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