cayenne beef 花椒牛肉
cayenne pepper 辣椒末
celery with mustard sauce 芥末芹菜
celery 芹菜
chafing dish 火锅
cherry jam 樱桃酱
chicken & pickled cucumber stew 花瓜炖鸡[台]
chicken a la king 奶油白汁鸡| 皇家鸡
chicken balls with oyster sauce 蚝油鸡腿
chicken blood with beancurd soup 鸡血豆腐汤
chicken broth | chicken soup 鸡汤
chicken corn soup 鸡蓉玉米汤
chicken cream soup 鸡蓉豆花汤
chicken in casserole | sliced chicken soup in earthenware pot 砂锅鸡

chicken in sesame | sesame chicken 芝麻鸡
chicken in sour and chilli sauce 醋辣鸡
chicken liver & squid rolls 凤肝鲜鱿鱼卷
chicken livers with squid rolls 凤肝鲜鱿鱼
chicken livers with vegetables 凤肝菜胆
chicken oil fries taro root 鸡油芋头
chicken rolls 鸡卷
chicken shreds with peas 烩鸡丝
chicken simmered in brown sauce 酱鸡
chicken slices with egg-white | omelet chicken slices | sliced chicken
in egg-white sauce 芙蓉鸡片
chicken soup with bean curd 鸡丝豆花汤
chicken stew with mushrooms 口蘑烧鸡块
chicken stuffed with Chinese black mushrooms 镶万年青[川]
chicken wings & legs braised in brown sauce | chicken wings & legs with
brown sauce 贵妃鸡
chicken wings in oyster sauce 蚝油鸡翼
chicken wings with oyster sauce 蚝油扒凤翼[粤]
chicken with frog soup 双凤朝阳汤
chicken with ginger & black bean sauce 姜葱豆豉鸡
chicken with glutinous stuffing 江米酿鸡
chicken with oily beancurd 油豆腐鸡
chicken with stuffed shrimps 百花鸡
chili oil 辣油
chili sauce | chilli sauce 辣椒酱
chili sauce 辣椒酱
chopped chicken & yellow fish potage 鸡蓉黄鱼羹[粤]
chopped cold chicken | chopped cold boiled chicken | tender boiled
chicken with soy sauce 白斩鸡
chopped onions 葱花
chopping knife | kitchen knife 厨刀
chopsticks rest 筷子架
chopsticks 筷子
chutney 酸辣酱
chutney 酸辣酱
cinnamon 肉桂
clam soup 蛤蜊汤
clove 丁香
coal stove 煤炉
coarse salt 粗盐
cocktail cup 鸡尾酒架
cold abalone 冷鲍鱼
cold asparagus 冷芦笋
cold chicken appetizer with hot sauce 红油鸡块[川]
cold dish [two sorts]| 2 sorts cold dish 双拼冷盆
cold dish 冷盘
cold salted chicken appetizer | boiled salted chicken 盐水鸡[沪]
colored lantern appetizer plate 花灯大拼盘
combination salad 什锦沙拉
combination 什锦
congee with mungbean 绿豆粥
congee | skilly 薄粥 | 稀饭
cooked noodles with chicken & ham 鸡火锅面
cooked noodles 煨面
cooking wine 料酒
coriander 胡荽
corned beef 罐头碎牛肉
corned ox tongue 腌牛舌
cover 锅盖
crab meat & beancurd 蟹肉豆腐
crab meat egg foo yung | crab meat with egg white sauce 芙蓉蟹肉
crab meat paste | crabmeat 蟹肉
crab paste 蟹酱
crab salted 抢蟹
crab spawn 蟹黄 bean curd with crab roe 蟹黄豆腐
crabapple preserves 山楂子蜜饯
crabmeat paste 蟹粉
crabmeat with egg white sauce | crabmeat egg foo yung 蟹肉芙蓉蛋
crayfish salad 小龙虾沙拉
crayfish 小龙虾
creamed cabbage | butter Chinese cabbage 奶油白菜
creamed eggs 奶油煮蛋
creamed mackerel 奶油马高鱼 | 奶油马鲛鱼
creamed potatoes 奶油土豆
creamed salted codfish 奶油咸煎鳕鱼
creamed shark's lip 奶油鱼唇
creamy lamb stew 奶油炖小羊肉
crisp duck squares 香酥烤舫
crisp fried duck with assorted nuts 香酥五仁鸭
crisp kidneys | fried kidneys 炸腰花
crisp kidneys | fried kidneys 香酥腰花
crisp skin roasted suckling pig | crispy-skinned suckling pig
crispy butterfly fish 酥小鲫鱼[川]
crispy cashew nut | crispy cashews 香酥腰果
crispy cashews 糖酥腰果[粤]
crispy rice 锅巴
crispy sliced fish with sweet & sour sauce 糖醋瓦块鱼[川]
croquette potato | potato croquettes 山芋腿
crunchy sesame chicken 芝麻鸡块
crushed dried pork | fried pork flakes 肉松
cube sugar 方糖
cucumber & meat soup 黄瓜滑肉片汤[川]
cucumber rolls 三丝瓜菜
cucumber 大黄瓜
cumin 小茴香
cupboard 碗橱
curried beef | curry beef | fried curry beef 咖哩牛肉
curried chicken with rice 咖哩鸡饭
curried chicken 葡国鸡 | 咖哩鸡
curried onion | onion with curry 咖哩洋葱
curry 咖哩粉
custard with minced pork 肉饼蒸蛋
cuttle fish soup with pickled Chinese cabbage 酸菜鱿鱼汤
cyclamate 糖精
deep fried 8 spiced lumps 炸八块
deep fried chicken with almonds 杏仁香酥鸡
deep fried prawns 炸明虾
deep-fat-fried goose 油淋素鹅
deep-fried beef balls 酥炸牛肉丸 deep-fried gizzards & livers
deep-fried butterfly shrimp 酥炸虾[粤]
deep-fried chicken with lemon 柠汁炸软鸡[粤]
deep-fried egg rolls 炸蛋卷[京]
deep-fried eight-spiced chicken 炸八块鸡[台]
deep-fried fish with salt 盐酥鲜鱼[台]
deep-fried layered beancurd 千层豆腐[台]
deep-fried shrimps with taro 芋茸琵琶虾[粤]
deep-fried shrimps with toast 吉利虾绣球[粤]
delicatessen 烧腊熟食 chicken wrapped in cellophane | chicken
wrapped in paper 灯笼鸡 | 纸包鸡
delicious vegetarian chicken 美味素鸡
delicious vegetarian goose 美味素鹅
dessert plate 点心碟
diced beef with water flour | fried mung bean noodles 蚂蚁上树
hamstrings 蹄筋
diced chicken sauteed with green peppers 辣子鸡丁
diced chicken with almonds 杏仁鸡丁
diced chicken with bean paste sauce 酱爆鸡丁
diced chicken with cashew nuts 腰果鸡丁
diced chicken with green peas 青豆鸡丁
diced chicken with hot sauce 红油鸡丁
diced melon & assorted meat soup | soup of diced melon and assorted
meats 什锦瓜丁汤
diced pork with cashew nuts 腰果肉丁
diced pork with chilli 辣子肉丁
diced pork with mushrooms 口蘑里脊丁
dish 碟子
dish-cover 盘盖
double-cooked pork slices | stir-fried boiled pork slices in hot sauce
double-cooked shark's fin 回锅鱼翅
dough pulled into strips for noodles 拉面
dried bamboo and processed 口麻雪笋汤
dried beef | jerked beef 牛肉乾
dried duck 腊鸭
dried red dates with vegetarian chicken 红枣小鸡[台]
dried shrimp-stuffed beancurd 金镶玉版
dried shrimps & vegetables 金钩菜心
dried tofu 豆干
dried turnip 萝卜乾 turnip balls 萝卜腿
dry beancurd shreds soup | shredded dried beancurd soup 豆腐乾丝汤

dry breezed chicken | dry-blown chicken 风鸡
duck & lotus seeds potage 莲子鸭羹
duck & pickled mustard leaves soup 咸菜鸭汤[台]
duck cutlets in chilli sauce 豆瓣鸭块
duck cutlets with white gourd 冬瓜鸭块
duck feet soup | duck's web soup 鸭掌汤
duck liver soup 鸭肝汤
duck noodles 卤鸭面
duck slices in brown sauce 酱爆鸭片
duck slices in wine sauce 红糟鸭片
duck stuffed with eight delicacies 八宝酿鸭
duck stuffed with the eight treasures 八宝布袋鸭[台]
duck webs in chilli sauce 红油鸭掌
duck webs with soy sauce 拌鸭掌
duck with brown sauce 红烧鸭
duck's feet soup 川鸭掌
duckling & mixed vegetable soup 烩鸭丝[粤]
duckling steamed with sour plums 酸梅子蒸鸭[粤]
eel noodles 鳝鱼面
egg custard 蒸蛋
egg foo yung 芙蓉蛋
egg omelet with minced pork | omelet with minced pork 肉蛋饺
egg roll 鸡蛋卷
egg soup with fungus 木须汤
eggplant simmered casserole 油焖茄子
eggplant 茄子
eggs in two colours 双色蛋
eggs with scallops 干贝炒蛋
eight jewelled white gourd 八宝冬瓜
eight treasures diced chicken | diced chicken with assorted vegetables
eight treasures in hot sauce 八宝辣酱
eight-treasures braised duckling 八珍扒鸭[粤]
electric coffee percolator 电咖啡滤壶
electric coffee pot 电咖啡壶
electric cooker 电子锅
electric heater 电热器
electric heater 电热水器
electric mixer 电搅拌器
electric radiator 电暖炉
electric saucepan 电蒸锅
electric stove 电炉
electronic oven 电子炉
emerald-jade beef croquettes 翡翠牛肉丸
emerald-jade caviar 翡翠乌鱼子
enamelled cup 搪瓷杯
escargots 田螺 fricassee 白切肉
fennel 茴香
fermented beancurd soup 乳汁豆腐羹
fermented soybean 豆酱
fettuccine all'alfredo 牛油拌面[义]
filter 过滤器
fire box 炉膛
fired beancurd & water flour in soup 油豆腐粉丝汤
fish ball cutlets 吉列鱼腿
fish ball soup 丸鱼汤
fish balls with brown sauce | fish balls in brown sauce 红烧鱼丸 |
fish balls with tomato sauce 茄汁鱼腿
fish head stewed with brown sauce in casserole 砂锅鱼头[沪]
fish in brown sauce 红烧鱼
fish in chilli sauce 干烧鱼
fish in sour sauce 五柳活鲜鱼[粤]
fish maw in chilli sauce 红油鱼肚
fish maw with mustard 芥末鱼肚
fish rolls in sour sauce 醋溜鱼卷
fish stomach with crab soup 蟹肉烩广肚[粤]
fish timbale | fish sauce 鱼酱
fish tripe with chicken cream 鸡蓉鱼肚
five spiced wheat gluten 五香烤麸
five-colored shrimps 五彩鲜虾[台]
five-flavored fish 年年有鱼 | 年年有余
flour gluten ball 面丸
flour gluten 面筋
forcemeat veal 牛肉松
fork | table fork 餐叉
four treasures soup 四宝汤
four-flavored lobster 四味龙虾
fragrant duckling toasted with pepper 香酥鸭[湘]
freezer 电冰柜
fresh & salted pork with bamboo shoot soup 腌笃鲜
fresh abalone with mushrooms 口蘑鲜鲍
fresh asparagus in thick sauce 上汤鹅笋尖[沪]
fresh clam salted with preserved vegetables 味菜炒蚬肉
fresh cucumber with bean sauce | mixed fresh cucumber 拌黄瓜
fresh fish with pepper sauce 干烧鲜鱼
fresh head & tail of fish | fish head & tail soup 头尾汤
fresh mushroom and Chinese cabbage 鲜菇白菜
fresh mushrooms with oyster sauce 蚝油冬菇
fresh pork & salted pork with bamboo shoot soup 腌笃鲜汤
fresh scallop slices with oyster sauce 生灼鲜贝[粤]
fresh shrimp with black beans 豆豉虾仁
fried bamboo shoots with mushrooms & special salted cabbage 炒三冬

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