-Caveat Lector-

9-11, John Deutch, Mitre Corp., the NRO, and the late Prince Ahmed bin Salman bin 
Abdul Aziz

Note: Some email lists do not support HTML and since the following piece relies 
heavily un supporting documentaion in the form of hyperlinks, I reproduce here only a 
snip as I wish to do the revelatory information contained therein some justice.  I 
hope you will visit the url indicated:


Here, I connect the dots between John Deutch (ex-CIA director), Prince Ahmed bin 
Salman bin Abdul Aziz of Saudi Arabia (who seems to recently have been 
heart-attacked), Mitre Corp. (of which John Deutch was employed once), 9-11, and the 
National Reconaissance Office's (NRO) satellite contracts. The biggest contractor for 
the NRO, some would say, is TRW which, coincidentally, John Deutch also worked for. It 
bears mentioning here that John Deutch also worked for SAIC, which is currently 
looking very bad for allegedly designing voting machines that are highly hackable. But 
wait. There's more.

Please see:
9-11, John Deutch, Mitre Corp., and the NRO

If the above link comes through this email broken up, see:


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