-Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
The Strange Death of FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT
A History of the Roosevelt-Delano Dynasty America's Royal Family
Emanuael M. Josephson©1948
127 East 69th Street
New York 21, N. Y.


In the dissemination of Marx's doctrines several anomalous forces played
high[l]y important roles. Thus the New York Tribune, under Horace Greeley,
employed Karl Marx as correspondent. For ten years it published articles by
him that gave him a world-wide audience which he never would have reached to
propagandize; and afforded him his only source of income. a pound a week. The
really decisive initial force in the spread of Marxism however, was Bismarck
and later, Germany.

Prince Otto von Bismarck, Teutonic Knight who was bound by the Order's
thousand-year-old oath to conquer the world, originated the "welfare" and
"social service" program that now parades as the New Deal. Subsequently, he
became the foster-father of Marxism and Communism. His objective in doing
these things was world conquest, "Deutschland uber Alles". No one who knew
the Iron Chancellor could be deceived for one moment into the belief that he
had the remotest interest in the welfare of the weak or downtrodden. His
mottos were "Blood and Steer' and "Might Makes Right".

The program was a recrudescence of one which was old when it was introduced
by the Gracchi in ancient Rome and eventually destroyed the Empire. It was
given to Bismarck largely by Professor Adolph Wagner who was reputedly an
ancestor of our Senator Robert F. Wagner. It served Bismarck's quest for
personal power in several manners. First, it robbed the Socialists of the
planks of their platform which made the greatest appeal to the mob-Social
Security, Unemployment Insurance, Workmen's Compensation, Health Insurance,
and all of the other quasi-benevolent and paternalistic clap-trap.

Bismarch[sic] shrewdly saw in these plans, devices fashioned to destroy
liberty and to chain the working class to his program and to any jobs to
which they might be assigned. He saw in the program a snare which would
deceive them into accepting submarginal wages and the surrender of adequate
present existence in return for a mirage of future security. As a means of
winning the favor of the workers and of gaining some measure of power over
industry and entree to its records, a part of the cost was levied on the
employers. This made of what conceivably might have been a boon to the
worker, a penalty on industry for offering employment; and meant a tax on
industry which materially increased the cost of production. Both factors
ultimately operate to increase unemployment.

Bismarck also foresaw that with the working class tied to him by this
program, he could force into line the German industrialist, the nobility, and
finally the reluctant Prussian king, to support his plan of a united German
Empire. Junker Bismarck, who had contemptuously spurned any traffic with the
working classes, whom he called a "revolutionary rabble", bad grown tired of
being buffeted about and shelved by his liege lord, the weakling King of
Prussia. Adversity had served to make of him a diplomat who could advance
from one compromise to another, from one treachery to another, to attain by a
series of adroit maneuvers his ultimate goal-the consolidation of his own
power by forcing his king to accept the position of Emperor of Germany. How
well he planned, history reveals. With the Danish invasion, the elimination
of Austrian interference in 1866, and the consolidation of his po. sition by
a treacherously conceived conquest of France in 1870, the German Empire
became not only a reality, but also simultaneously a "first class Power".

But for Bismarck, this was merely a begining[sic]. With far greater vision,
he planned the political and commercial conquest of the world—"Deutschland
uber Alles". He placed on Germany the stamp of a national paranoia which
still drives it with mad singleness of purpose and signal "success". The
World Wars are mere interludes.

The conquest of world markets by German industry and commerce was planned by
Bismarck. In such a struggle the burden of taxation and cost involved in the
"welfare" program might have proved a severe handicap. Obviously it was
necessary to overcome it by forcing the adoption of the same program and han.
dicap on competitor nations. Resort was had for this purpose to subjugation
by ideas, propoganda[sic] and "boring from within".

There was launched one of the most persistent, persevering and skilled
propaganda campaigns in the world's history for the imposition of Bismarck's
"'New Dear' on the entire world. Now almost a century later it still
continues to away history and the world.

In this "New Deal" propaganda Bismarck found many allies. The pretended
humanitarianism of the pro. gram won over many unthinking, kindly persons as
well as most religious sects. These groups are the beat camouflage and front
for any propaganda. Through. out the world these deluded groups still
ardently ad. vance Bismarck's destructive propaganda.

Allies of unusual value were the labor movement, Karl Marx and his Socialism,
and the Communist In. ternationale. Initially Bismarck had regarded them as
the arch-enemies of his plan. He had called upon La. salle for advice in his
fight on them. On his counsel he plucked the "New Deal" from the program
which they agitated, with the objective of deflating them.

But Bismarck soon came to recognize that Karl Marx and his Revolutionary
Socialism or Communism were shams. He saw that they offered no real menace
among Germany's dull, plodding, intense, unimaginative, do. cile and
disciplined workers. He discovered that Karl Marx was an intense German
Nationalist who gloried in the vaunted, "superiority" of the German worker
and who sensed that his program offered no threat to his Vaterland. Marxian
Socialism was therefore the ideal propaganda weapon with which to demoralize
other lands.

The International Association for Labor Legislation was subsidized by Germany
as a device to spread the Bismarxian "social welfare and labor" program. The
Communist Internationale and the international and domestic labor unions were
natural allies, made to order for Bismarck's purpose.

Labor unionism has played an all-important role in the Bismarxian and
Communazi propagandas from the very beginning. It serves the purposes of
Bismarck as a most efficient agency for paralysis of industry and commerce,
and for fomenting misery and unrest.

Bismarck came to regard Karl Marx as an important ally in his Pan-Germanic
propaganda. He appreciated that Communism planted in other lands would
disrupt and demoralize them and would hasten the conquest of "Deutschland
uber Alles". Bismarck eventually in. vited Marx to return from exile and
offered him the editorship of his own paper, the "Acht-Uhr Abendblatt." Marx
rejected the offer stating that he could serve the cause better in England.
Marxist propaganda tracts printed in many languages became one of Germany's
principal exports.

Germany's entire education system, as well as her diplomatic corps, was made
part and parcel of the Bismarxian propaganda set-up. Subsidized learning and
scientific achievement were widely advertised and publicized and lent color
to claims of German intel. lectual superiority. Trading on this reputation,
Germany was able to palm off on the world pseudosciences, such as sociology,
social service and modern economics, which are nothing more than very thinly
disguised, false propaganda.

A system of recognition, adulation and decoration of foreign educators and
scientists fostered their teaching doctrines that served the purposes of the
Bismarxian propaganda. Germany thus made the education system of other lands
a part and parcel of her propaganda machine. The Communist propaganda
machine, which has recently been exposed as dominating our entire school and
university system, is but a subsidiary of the machine which Bismarck built.

Harvard University was among the first in the U. S. to succumb to this
subversive propaganda. It freely exchanged professors with the German
universities. The German professors sent were official government
propagandists. The American professors vied for the honor of recognition of
the German universities. These honors they could gain only by serving the
interests of the German Government by furthering its propaganda. Thus the
American universities became foci of subversive propaganda. Harvard, the
fountainhead of the New Deal, has been the most dangerously effective.

How Bismarck's "welfare" program served the purpose of destroying both the
Socialist working class whom he abhorred and the smug industrialists whom he
de. tested, is portrayed in the petition of the Federated Industries of
Germany to their Government in 1929, in which they pleaded that the so-called
"welfare" program of Bismark's, fallen into Socialist hands threatened the
existence of the nation and its industries. The report read as follows:

" . . . Appropriations for public undertakings . . . and increased outlays
for welfare institutions offer less resistance than does an attempt to im.
prove the standard of living through the natural process of economic
development . . . The intervention of the state should be restricted and
should extend only to such branches as cannot be served by private enterprise
. . . The way of socialization leads to destruction of economy and
pauperization of the masses, and German industry recognizes in it a danger
not only to private enterprise and the workingman, but also to the nation at
large . . .

The German Republic disregarded this warning of crisis and of the dire
consequences that would inevit. ably follow. The results of the Marxian
fallacies we all know.

Bismarck and Marx were the guiding spirits of Nazi Germany. They had foreseen
the docility of the Ger. man worker and the absolutism it made possible.
Nazism or some other form of dictatorship and slavery were the inevitable
consequences of Marxism and of the "welfare" program of the "New Deal"
launched by Bismarck. Its development was guided by Hitler's "Brain Trust",
Professor Haushofer and his Geophysical Institute. The class hatred of Marx
was converted into another equally absurd hatred-the Aryan. Marxist
"internationalism" translated itself into Aryan "internationalism". The war
on Capitalism logically as. sumed the form of raping of other lands. For
Marx's definition of "capital" in final analysis is "the other fellow's
property". Restriction of the supply of labor is most effectively obtained by
slaughtering workers. The philosophy of Marxism and of Nazism is obviously
identical. Nazism is the active tense of Marxism. And it is but natural that
Communism should take over where Nazism left off.

The first of the formidable competitors of Germany that succumbed to the
propagandized Bismarxian program was England. The Fabian Society was the
chief agency of the propagandists. A few years before the World War I, Great
Britain was forced by the agitation among her working classes to swallow the
whole bait -hook, line and sinker. German industrialists openly urged upon
Parliament the adoption of the program. Thereby were set in operation forces
which are now speeding the disintegration of the British Empire. Premier
Ramsay MacDonald in an address before Parliament in 1929 frankly blamed the
welfare, dole and health insurance laws for the insoluble economic problem
presented in England by the unemployment situation.

>From the point of view of American affairs, even greater significance was
lent to the situation when the wholly alien ideas were given an aura of
respectability in the eyes of American Tories by their adoption in England.
This was accentuated by the fact that British industry was now in the same
position with respect to the cost of the "welfare" program in its competition
for world markets. It became of interest also to British industry that the
United States should adopt an identical handicapping program.

. It was not long before Sir Arthur Newsholme, representing the British
Ministry of Health, began to visit this country to lecture systematically on
the advantages of the "Security" and "Socialized Medicine" plans. He joined
forces with the local agitators for the adoption of the program, in spite of
the fact that it has resulted in England in a steadily rising death rate that
culminated in 1938 in one of the highest death rates in the civilized world.

Russia was the next to succumb. In the stalemate of World War I, in 1917,
Germany averted the need of fighting on two fronts by planting German made
Communism in Russia. Colonel Nikitine, head of Russian counter-espionage
relates with fidelity in his book "The Fatal Years", how the German General
Staff transported Russia's exiled band of German-trained Communist agitators
in sealed trains from Switzerland through Germany into Russia. The Germans
also supPlied the Russian Communists with millions of ten ruble notes with
which to buy the votes of the soldiers, sailors and workers in the election.

Russian Communism was "made in Germany". The unity of purpose of
Bismarck-guided Germany and Communist Russia was fully confirmed by the
Communazi alliance. It is still further proved by Russia carrying on the
Communazi program from the point where Nazi Germany left off.

France was next to succumb. That the evolution of the program in Germany and
England is not an isolated accident but is a natural consequence is revealed
by the experience of every country that has adopted it. The experience of
France is a clear-cut demonstration. Succumbing to the propaganda, France
adopted the Bismarck program in 1932, after Minister Loucheur had assured the
Chambre de Deputes that its costs would merely be ten per cent of the
national income. At that time there was practically no unemployment in France
in spite of the depression which raged in the rest of the world. No sooner
was it put in force than the cost of living in France rose forty percent. As
a consequence the workers, whose existence has always been a marginal one,
were forced to strike to avoid starvation. As usual, the "security" program
precipitated economic collapse and insecurity, as its author had designed.
This is well portrayed in Van der Meersch's "When Looms Are Silent".

The earliest published record of the launching of the Bismarxian propaganda
in the United States is found in the report of the German subsidized Interna.
tional Association For Labor Legislation (reported in the American Labor
Legislation Review. V. 4, p. 511, 1914):

        "Work toward the formation of an American Section was initiated in
1902, when the Board of the International Association began to make its
ob-jects known in the United States and to form con-nections with interested

The formation of the American Association for La. bor Legislation in 1906
marked the beginning of the United States drive for the adoption of the
Bismarxian program. Among the original founders of the Association were
Richard T. Ely, the economist, Edward T. Devine and Mary K. Simkhovitch,
social workers. R. 0. Lovejoy noted in radical circles, Mary van Kleek,
Director of the Industrial Division of the Russell Sage Foundation and left
winger, and John B. Andrews, Director of the Association. These were later
joined by John A. Kingsbury, Charles C. Burlingham, William Hodson, and Homer
Folks, social workers, Ida M. Tarbell, biographer of the Standard Oil Company
and the Rockefellers, Frances Perkins, later New Deal Secretary of Labor and
Harry L. Hopkins, later New Deal ringleader.

        The initial support of the Association as might be expected, was
German. Acquisition of control of the Russell Sage Foundation, several years
later, through
Mary Van Kleek and Leon Henderson, helped to provide amply for it. The same
factors were instrumental in the founding of a Communist Party in the United
States almost a decade before Russia was sad-dled with Communism. This
element was sufficiently
influental to carry out successfully a drive on caplital-ism as exemplified
in the most vilified and largest of the "ogre" trusts, the Standard Oil
Company and Rockefeller that culminated in a court order for dissolution of
the Standard Oil Company. That brought into play the most anomalous, but most
important force that has fostered Communism in the U. S., the
Rockefellar[sic] Empire.

pps. 55-64
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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