-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-10-16 10:15:11 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>Does your article say when in the 60s he was filming this documentary?

I don't have my copy handy, but I seem to recall that it was the late '60s.

>My information about the Process Church is that it was the group started by
>Stephen Ward, a chiropractor I believe, who lived in a cottage at the Astors
>’ Cliveden estate, and who , in 1963, introduced Lord Astor--the son of Lord
>and Lady Astor who started the Round Table Group at Cliveden with Lord
>Milner-- to John Profumo and Soviet Ambassador Ivanov, both of whom had
>assignations with Christine Keeler for whom Ward was acting as pimp.

Your information is incorrect, at least in the terms you state it.  The
founding of The Process (for short) has been well documented, and there's no
question that it came into being when its two founders, a British
Scientologist who called himself DeGrimston and his girlfriend, a
Scientologist in the same branch, took Scientology "out into the field,"
mixing it with their own ideas -- for example, the RELATIVITY of good and
evil, visible in their formulation of a Quaternity of gods featuring Christ,
Lucifer, Satan and Jehovah, and other vaguely "Gnostic" stuff probably born
of the usual psychedelic experiences
in the Sixties.  In Manson's more extreme worldview you see some of the
repercussions of such a relativity -- "Slayer" is as "holy" a role as the
"Slain" (Christ), destruction viewed as a "spiritual" act during this "Age of
Kali," etc.  At first, The Process attracted (predictably) "psychedelicized"
younger-generation aristocrats, those in the "rock and roll" subculture, and
suchlike, but eventually it began to wear thin and the leadership of The
Process migrated to the United States seeking new converts, mostly in
California, where of course it attracted similar types.  Here in San
Francisco, Charles Manson would have run into it (as I did, now and then), of
only because the Manson pad was practically across the street from the flat
used by The Process as their "church.". You can read Ed Sanders (see "The
Family") for details of their connection, partly confirmed and more
hypothesized.  By the '70s, The Process was suffering from negative publicity
due to its link to Manson and was being ostracized by the Scientology org for
putting that group in a bad, so it went "underground" for awhile (in Mexico
or Central America, I think) and began to lose momentum, ending as a
relatively tame "reformed" group (which has a website even now) -- but not
before it had spawned a number of offshoots of which we know little, except
where they pop up later in other contexts such as the "Son of Sam" case when
studied by journalist Maury Terry in his book "Ultimate Evil."

Now, let's go back to your idea of The Process being connected to the
Ward-Profumo group ... There is a POSSIBLE connection, but at a couple of
degrees of separation, through the co-founder of The Process, DeGrimston's
girlfriend, who appears to have
made a living selling kinky sex in the SAME circles as travelled by Christine
girls.  It's not improbable that she WAS one of Keeler's girls, at least for
a brief time, and COULD have met and shared "pillow talk" with the decadent
aristocrats you name,  who were (in some way I don't fully understand)
operating under the watchful eyes of both the KGB and MI5/MI6.  Her life
OUTSIDE of The Process is a subject I'm not well informed about, and I doubt
if it's been explored fully by others either.  More the pity, because IF
there IS a connection between British intelligence, Scientology, and The
Process --if, for example, Process was used sometimes as a "clearing house"
for subjects used in GOVERNMENT "mind control" experiments-- it would more
likely be
through "Mrs" DeGrimston [I can't even recall her name without digging out my
than her partner (who gets most of the credit), and if THAT connection could
be well
documented, it might lead to even MORE -- because it's long been my feeling,
just from odd bits of suggestive circumstantial stuff, that the
Keeler/Profumo scandal that brought down the British government was somehow
running parallel to the POTENTIAL scandal brewing from John F. Kennedy's
secret dalliances with FOREIGN call girls, including (much to J. Edgar
Hoover's dismay!) one who was thought to be a KGB "sparrow," only a year or
so before the President's assassination -- and that, once we factor into the
foregoing the Tim Leary / Mary Pinchot Meyer relationship, with its CIA
overtones, a MUCH LARGER context, linking drugs, sex, and intelligence
agencies, is suggested ...

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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