-Caveat Lector-

(Another mass email fishing for feedback -it works! I'm on a roll getting
this clarified too)

I bought an a UFO mag called Australasian Ufologist, and there is an article
NZer Graham H Stewart, he is a
research colleage with Bruce Cathie (both from Auckland) and he specialises
in the world energy grid system and universal harmonics relating to space
matter and time.

Apparently Bruce was visited by a CIA man who said that they could get into
15 dimensions. Well it appears from this article that they are accessing
interdimentional portals.There is a Major Covert Scientific Operation
connected with Interdimensional Physics and Time Shifts. Its a long story
and takes a bit of time to grasp the enormity of who is doing what, and I've
been trying to work out what they have been doing since last year.

Apparently there are different timelines which have been accessed by the
experimenters at Montauk, with Duncan Cameron etc There are -  according to
what they found out:  different representations of reality, where we are all
doing different things in other parallel universes. Well the Philadelphia
Experiment must have put a spanner in the works by ripping a 40 mile hole in

The covert operators are using the earths natural biorhythms to access
the interdimensional doorways, presumably when the barrier thins out during
a biorhythm they have calculated. ( They are described in the ancient Irish
history as people moving in and out of the land of Faerie during solstices
or equinioxes) I think they are now using Stonehenge for this too, along
with Pine gap and other places where grid lines intersect.

.I have another post which shows that the Russians as well as the Americans
have worked out how measured brainwave frequencies affect the mental
functions. (thanks Das) This was achieved in the late 40's. So can you
imagine what they
are doing now. I have heard HAARP is being used for this and apparently the
Russians have their own version called Woodpecker. Bruce Cathie said he
worked out with harmonics and timing, that Chernobyl was no accident and
they are apparently setting off nuclear explosions on these sensitive grid
points. I know they are trying to get us into the 4th dimension using

If you are interested I can do a summary of the main points from various
sources.First summary below.There is a lot about this on the net but the
usually say so much one needs endurance to pick out the main gist.

This is what they are doing to activate the world gridlines.
For those who were wondering why we should stop this.
I posted the full message last week and maybe it wasn't clear
so trying to highlight what they are up to.
I'll cut the waffle out and leave the main message)


-Subject: Fw: Convergence: Cycles of Civilization

An Introduction to "Convergence" and the Cycles of Civilization
by David Wilcock - 7/2/99 -

"This short piece is designed to give the basics behind "Convergence," a
body of metaphysical research that many people feel has profound,
incredible implications for all of us here on Earth.

"Briefly, "Convergence" comes as a result of understanding that our solar
system operates in 25,920-year cycles, and that at the end of each cycle is
a frequency or energetic shift. These shifts affect the energetic structure
of the Earth, or the Global Grid, by forcing it to realign. And hence, you
have the "pole shift" phenomenon that is often referred to in metaphysical
circles. As indicated from the Mayan Calendar and many other sources, we
are now into the end phase of this entire 25,920-year cycle of human
civilization, and we can expect a fantastic and highly exciting
transformation of ourselves and our planet in the very near future as a
result. ( yes a surprise leap into the 4th dimension .N)

"We have also "rediscovered" the underlying physics of these
multidimensional systems in the universe. Most importantly, we come to
understand that the "dimensions" are actually frequencies of light, sound
and geometry, and that they are organized into an octave structure.

'However, certain "force
points" or nodes will form where there will be greater strengths of
concentration, due to the strings overlapping each other at set harmonic
periods. The straight lines of force that are formed as these "nodes" pull
on each other then form each of the sphere-based Platonic Solids as you
progress through the frequencies.
( We'll just hurry the grid line connections along by setting off nuclear
explosions on them.N)

"We then must visualize the fact that even though each "unit" is constantly
pulsating throughout the entire octave of frequencies, any entity ( is this
us? N) living in
a certain focus or a certain dimension will only be aware of their own
particular frequency.

"Indeed, any formation of consciousness that has crystallized
into matter will be ruled by the harmonic principles of the Consciousness
Units. This also
includes the human body with its seven main "Chakras" or energy centers,
each corresponding to a color, sound and geometry in the octave.
(our chakras are aligned to this grid N)

"This hierarchical system of "vibrations" does indeed express itself very
well on Earth, through what we know as the Global Grid. "Convergence" goes
into the incredible proof that this Grid actually exists, and that the
Ancients were quite adept at harnessing its multidimensional energies
through building pyramidal structures upon it.
( they have found the Atlantean system again and I expect the resaon why
D Rockefeller has hired the Kings Chamber for Dec 31 has something to do
with this.N)

"The work of John Major Jenkins in "Maya Cosmogenesis 2012"
conclusively determines that the Earth's "precessional wobble" of circa
26,000 years is actually timed by the Earth's relative position to the
center of the Galaxy. Jenkins connects this to the Maya, showing how they
had elaborate rituals and symbolic "proofs" for this connection. As we all
know, the Maya associated this Cycle with the changing of ages and "root
races" of humankind.
(time for the 6th Aryan race to start the ball rolling, eliminate the

"Jenkins shows us that at these precise "turning
points" in the precession, the Earth's positioning with the center of the
galaxy is in exact alignment. Obviously, this indicates that the alignment
itself is of fundamental importance: that the Earth and Solar System's
position relative to the Galactic Center has a penultimate effect upon the
hyperdimensional physics of its systems. When we conjoin with the Galactic
Center, a flood of energy is received - energy that fundamentally changes
the vibratory rate of all bodies of matter in its vicinity.
(They actually think the world will go into the next dimension in 2012
according to
 Mayan astrology. Plus a Govt time machines went into a haze at 2012 N)

"In other words, the
reason why we are focused in the third dimension at this time is that we
are currently "stuck" there as the larger-scale consciousness unit of our
Galaxy moves along.
(better hurry things along .N)

"So, what all this really means is that the Consciousness Units of the Solar
System and
Earth, relative to its position in the Galaxy, is about to move from the
third-level frequency of vibration to the fourth. ( acording to Mayan

"When this finishes its
progress, there is indeed a sudden energy shift in the Global Grid, coupled
with a frequency change in the planetary vibrations. Once this frequency
shift has happened on the Earth as a whole, it will not continue to be
viable for third-dimensional life as we now know it for very much longer.
The vibrations of many human beings will raise spontaneously as well. But
what exactly does this mean?
(get off planet quick -colonize moon and mars for the chosen few.
Hop back later after rewilding and gaia appeasing .N)

What these Intelligences tell us is that we each have a "personal
vibration" whose speed is determined by our own relative level of spiritual
growth. Therefore, those who have reached the "green-ray" understandings of
the fourth dimension in their own consciousness will spontaneously shift
into this frequency level, to later repopulate the newly transformed Earth.
( 6th root race Aryans of course!N)

"The immediate effects of this transformation will cause the entity to have
a spontaneous disappearance from the others still in the third dimension.
(A similar frequency-induced human disappearance occurred in the
Philadelphia Experiment.)
(Now does anybody see the danger? Heaven help us .N)

"So, this was the main reason for the appearance of Jesus in the earth
planes. (oh please!)

"To complete our training, Jesus
talked of the "Rapture" or Ascension that would happen at the end of the
Cycle, and demonstrated this Ascension himself in order to show a
"graduation" from Earth in this matter. That is why he gave us the phrase,
"As I do these things, so shall ye do them, and greater things, for I go
unto my Father." [John 14:12.] Of course, the original meanings of these
teachings have now been almost completely lost or altered.
(I think he means that he actually dosen't know what was reallty being

"So this is part of the "big picture" reality of what is going on now, and
why there is so much interest in Earth at this time from external,
higher-frequency civilizations. Convergence goes into the physics behind
the timing of this epic, transformational event, and gives us all the clues
as to why it might occur much sooner than the full-blown Mayan Calendar
end-date of 2012. Many others have read the book and are highly intrigued
and even awed by the possibility that such an event could truly occur
within our lifetimes, possibly within one year or less based on the
available evidence and timelines.
(A year? Is the culprit HAARP y2k compliant?N)

Thank you and Peace be with you in the Light of everlasting Love. (I'd call
it the light of physics myself)

-David Wilcock

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We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

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