Tomorrow's World air's MPD section:

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Mistaken Identity
BBC2 9:30pm Thursday 11th November 1999
In the 1980's, Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) suddenly became the talk
of the town. Tens of thousands of Americans were diagnosed with an illness
that was previously unheard of. A trigger for this sudden epidemic was the
release of a film, "Sybil". Telling the dramatic story of a woman diagnosed
with Multiple Personality Disorder, the film was shown across America
making Sybil a household name.
Now, Sybil's original diagnosis is being challenged. The psychiatric
community is divided and people are asking whether MPD exists at all.
Sybil was born in Minnesota in the early 1920s. At the age of 37, she was
treated by a psychiatrist, Dr Cornelia Wilbur, who came to believe that her
patient was a multiple with 16 'alter' personalities. Under hypnosis Sybil
had recovered lost memories of a traumatic childhood. Dr Wilbur believed
that Sybil's mental illness had been caused by these extreme traumas she
had experienced in youth. As a way of coping with the distress, Sybil had
split-off, creating 'alter' personalities at moments of crisis in her life.
These 'alters' would experience the pain instead of Sybil. It was a
compelling theory, that used childhood abuse to explain multiple
In 1973 the book "Sybil" was published. It became a best-seller and was
swiftly followed by a film. Within a few years Multiple Personality
Disorder (MPD) had become a famous condition, widely discussed and debated,
listed and detailed in the American psychiatric manual.
Sue Kiner, pictured opposite, was diagnosed with MPD six years ago. Here,
in the video clip, she describes how the condition has affected her life.
But now the question is being asked as to whether Sybil's multiple
personalities were genuine or had they been planted in her memory during
Dr. Wilbur claimed that during therapy an array of distinct and separate
personalities had emerged from Sybil, each telling the doctor about some
terrible experience of Sybil's early life, experiences that Sybil herself
seemed to know nothing about. The experiences were of being sexually and
physically abused by her mother.
The goal of therapy, according to Dr. Wilbur, was to integrate all the
alters into one personality. To achieve this the therapist had to get to
know the role each alter was playing in the person's life. Dr. Wilbur
taught that this meant having conversations with these alters, however many
there were.
Twenty years on, both Cornelia Wilbur and Sybil have died. However, Dr.
Herbert Spiegel, one of the original psychiatrists who met Sybil, has
recently made a claim that challenges Dr Wilbur's entire theory and
practise. Herbert Spiegel is concerned that suggestible patients are being
unduly influenced in therapy, and this has raised controversy in the field.
Sarah Francis has a distinctly personal perspective on the disorder - she
is a therapist who has also been diagnosed with MPD herself. She and many
others disagree with Herbert Spiegel. They do not accept that therapy can
create the disorder. Those who treat MPD say they are aware that memories
may be unreliable in vulnerable people and this has been noted in the
official diagnostic manual. They have also changed the name Multiple
Personality Disorder to Dissociative Identity Disorder. The therapists
continue diagnosing.
Nikki Stockley's documentary explores the strange and surprising story of
MPD through the lives of the patients themselves, and through the key
psychiatrists in the field including Dr Herbert Spiegel, who has challenged
Dr Wilbur's diagnosis. With interviews from Sybil's school friends, Horizon
pieces together the life of the enigmatic woman whose case started the
whole MPD phenomenon, and explores the truth about Multiple Personality

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