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            Morphogenic Resonance or a Plethora of
               Galactic Center Disinformation?

 In June of 1979 Dr. Paul LaViolette deciphered an ancient
 constellation message describing the past arrival of a cosmic ray
 volley from our Galaxy's core and of its subsequent cataclysmic
 effect on the Earth. The following month he wrote this up as a
 short paper on this "superwave" concept. In 1983, after 4 years
 of Ph.D. research, he published his dissertation investigation of
 this Galactic superwaves and their connection with cyclic global
 cataclysms. In this dissertation and in his subsequent papers and
 books (Beyond the Big Bang and Earth Under Fire), LaViolette has
 made every attempt to establish the logical basis for every
 statement he has made.

 However, beginning in 1991, several individuals began writing
 on a similar theme of the imminent arrival of a Galactic center
 energy wave, claiming to have been enlightened on the subject
 directly through psychic contact with extraterrestrials.
 Unfortunately, they did not subject their intuited information to
 the test of reason and observation. Instead they have combined
 factual concepts with fictional ideas and misrepresented them to
 an unwitting public as uncontestable fact. So readers should
 observe caution in selecting reading material in this area. Below
 are a few examples of papers and books that present channeled
 misinformation that could be confused with the scientifically
 researched superwave concept.

 (1981): This disinformation story actually begins in 1981 with an
 article on the "photon belt" written by Shirley Kemp and
 published in the Australian International UFO Research Society
 magazine, and reprinted in the February/March 1991 issue of Nexus
 magazine. Kemp's article focused on the Pleiades star cluster as
 the source of the photon belt and made no mention of the Galactic
 center. The mixing of the photon belt concept with the idea of a
 Galactic center wave came later, being injected by subsequent
 authors such as Robert Stanley and Barbara Hand Clow. Kemp
 described the photon belt as a ring of energy that encircles the
 Pleiades with its outer border presently being positioned just
 about to touch our solar system. She claimed that its presence
 had been detected in 1961 by satellite observations of the
 Pleiades. In fact, there is no record of such a satellite
 detection, nor is it likely that satellites in those days would
 have been equipped to make such observations. Also neither is
 there evidence of such a belt from observations with present day
 ground and space based telescopes.

 Furthermore Kemp claimed that in the course of 24,000 years our
 solar system completes an orbit about the star Alcyone in the
 Pleiades cluster and passes through the photon belt twice in the
 course of a revolution, alternately bathing in the belt for a
 period of 2000 years, followed by a period of 10,000 years
 outside of the belt. Moreover she claimed that during the
 imminent time when the solar system is within the photon belt,
 the present day/night cycle would cease and be replaced by a 2000
 year-long period of continuous light during which time humanity
 would be transformed into spiritually enlightened

 As for the part about the solar system orbiting the Pleiades,
 or more specifically orbiting the star Alcyone, this can be shown
 to be absurd. The Pleiades lie about 400 light years away in the
 Taurus constellation; hence an orbit about them would necessarily
 measure about 2500 light years. To circle them in a period of
 only 24,000 years, the solar system would then have to be
 travelling through the Galaxy at over 10 percent the speed of
 light, a thousand times faster than the Earth's orbit about the
 Sun. If this were true the shape of the constellations would
 noticeably change within a single lifetime due to stellar
 parallax effects. There is no evidence of this. Moreover to cause
 such an orbital speed by gravitational action, Alcyone would have
 had to be over a billion times more massive than our Sun, thus
 rivaling the core of our own Galaxy. In fact, there is no
 evidence of any kind that the solar system nor any of the
 Pleiades stars are in orbit about Alcyone. The whole idea of the
 photon belt would seem to be ludicrous were it not for the fact
 that so many people have completely fallen for the idea and
 adopted it as part of their reality. An additional critique of
 Kemp's paper may be found at the following website:

 (1991) In the summer of 1991 Robert Stanley published an article
 in Unicus magazine entitled "The Photon Zone: Earth's Future
 Brightens." His article combined the photon belt concept with a
 Galactic center outburst concept that had striking similarities
 to LaViolette's Galactic superwave concept, but lacked any kind
 of scientific or observational basis. Stanley described the
 "photon zone" as a belt or toroid of excess photons being emitted
 from the center of our Galaxy and that "rotate at a 90 degree
 right angle to our solar system's horizontal orbit."

 Stanley apparently did not reference LaViolette's scientific
 papers which describe evidence of Galactic cosmic ray superwaves
 being emitted from the Galactic center, each outwardly moving
 superwave shell producing a ring of electromagnetic radiation
 concentric with the Galactic center and lying along the galactic
 plane, accompanying the superwave as it travels outward. This
 radiation zone could be termed a "photon band" or "photon belt".
 LaViolette has shown that radiation coming from the nearest of
 these superwave radiation rings, at its closest point to us,
 would appear to originate from a region lying about 7000 light
 years away in the Taurus constellation region (~6500 light years
 further away than the Pleiades), and that in the opposite
 direction, toward the Galactic center (Scorpius constellation
 region), it would lie furthest from us, about 30,000 light years
 away. Thus the photon band concept which lacks supporting
 observational evidence, creates a climate of confusion for those
 interested in learning about the superwave concept.

 Although Stanley describes this photon band as being emitted
 from the Galactic center, he also presents the contradictory
 notion that it is a stationary zone. Adopting many of Shirley
 Kemp's proclamations, he states that the photon band lies near
 our Sun and that our solar system periodically passes through it
 as a result of a 26,000 year epicycle-like orbit that it
 supposedly follows through space. In her book The Pleiadian
 Agenda, B. H. Clow quotes Stanley as saying "our solar system
 enters this area of our Galaxy [the photon zone] every 11,000
 years and then passes through for 2000 years while completing its
 26,000-year galactic orbit" about the star Alcyone. However,
 there is no astronomical evidence that the solar system
 circumscribes a 26,000 year orbit about Alcyone. There is
 evidence that the Sun orbits the Galactic center (Sagittarius A*)
 once in about 200 million years, the Galactic center being
 situated in a direction opposite from the Pleiades in the
 direction of the Sagittarius and Scorpio constellations.

 Ancient Hindu astronomers taught that the Sun moves radially
 inward and outward from the Galaxy's "Grand Center" on a 24,000
 year cycle, but this would constitute an oscillatory movement,
 not an "orbit". Neither is there any reason to think that the
 ancients considered Alcyone, and not Sgr A* as being the Galaxy's
 "Grand Center." As described in Earth Under Fire, cyclical radial
 motion with respect to the Galactic core Sgr A* could occur if
 superwaves were to exert a tidal force on the Sun and planets.

 (1994): The book The Pleiadian Agenda, channeled by Barbara Hand
 Clow, further propagated the photon belt myth, combining it with
 a Galactic center origin. In this case, however, Clow had prior
 knowledge of LaViolette's ideas. In August of 1991, LaViolette
 had submitted to Clow the manuscript for his book Beyond the Big
 Bang (then titled Warriors of Creation) along with the first
 chapter and outline for its sequel Earth Under Fire (then titled
 Astrology Decoded). These were sent to her in confidence, in her
 capacity as being then Vice President editor of Bear and Company,
 a New Age book publisher. These materials described LaViolette's
 1979 theory that about 13,000 years ago the Earth had been
 affected by an expanding "zone" or "belt" of radiation that had
 issued from the Galactic center, a phenomenon he called a
 Galactic "superwave." After reading this work, Clow expressed
 great interest in publishing both books in revised form,
 especially the second book describing the Galactic superwave.
 However, later in November 1991, LaViolette had reservations
 about choosing this publisher and turned down her offer to
 publish his books.

 Some months later, in 1992, Clow says she began psychically
 channeling an entity called Satya, a Pleiadian extraterrestrial
 astrologer supposedly residing in the Alcyone star system. Then,
 a few years later, in 1994 she reportedly began channeling her
 book The Pleiadian Agenda, which she subsequently published in
 1995. Curiously, her book presented ideas very similar to
 LaViolette's superwave concept, describing a "photon band"
 emanating from the Galactic center, that engulfed the Earth
 around 13,000 years ago bringing about the legendary apocalyptic
 cataclysm. Although LaViolette was the first to propose such an
 idea, and although she had prior knowledge of Dr. LaViolette's
 work, Clow/Satya did not mention his work in her book, neither
 did she reference his many scientific papers nor his book Beyond
 the Big Bang, which were published on this topic between 1983 and
 1995. Instead, Clow/Satya only refer to Shirley Kemp's photon
 belt paper and to Robert Stanley's photon zone paper, which
 interestingly was published the same summer that LaViolette had
 submitted his confidential manuscript to her, and which presented
 ideas similar to LaViolette's superwave idea (see above).

 Like Stanley, Clow/Satya describes the impending movement of
 the Earth into a stationary photon band and frames this event in
 terms of a coming New Age global psychic transformation. But in
 places The Pleiadian Agenda confuses the idea of a Galactic
 center origin by stating that the photon band originates from the
 Pleiadian star Alcyone, a region which it claims is always bathed
 in the "photon band" radiation. In these parts she describes the
 photon band as originating from a region on the side of the Earth
 opposite to the Galactic center, hence approaching from a
 direction exactly opposite from the direction that superwaves
 would approach. In the direction of the Pleiades, LaViolette's
 superwave event horizon (radiation zone) would instead be
 receding from us, not approaching.

 Disinformation is most successfully crafted when it
 disseminates a distorted concept that is very close to the target
 concept, thereby rendering a state of confusion. The photon band
 conjecture very appropriately achieves this objective. Around
 this same time, other channeled writings were published that
 similarly described a "photon belt" and web pages have sprung up
 disseminating these concepts. Unfortunately, rather than being
 educational, these works have the potential of creating general
 confusion by diverting attention about approaching Galactic
 energy waves away from the Galactic center and toward the

 (1997): Robert Cox's book Pillar of Celestial Fire, published in
 1997, also described a Galactic center influence on the Earth.
 Like Beyond the Big Bang and Earth Under Fire, this book speaks
 of the Galactic center producing a "ray" or "wave" of "celestial
 fire" that washes over the Earth causing geologic change, and
 also mentions a connection between the Sagittarius arrow
 indicator and the Galactic center. Although the book lists Beyond
 the Big Bang in its bibliography, it does not cite LaViolette's
 prior work as the source of these ideas. It mixes these concepts
 with other channeled ideas about a "pillar of celestial fire" of
 pure consciousness that it says is approaching the Earth from the
 direction of the Pleiades, a location which, it claims, contains
 the conscious "Center of the Universe." Thus, by calling
 attention to a celestial fire phenomenon that supposedly
 approaches from a direction opposite to the Galactic center,
 this celestial fire concept, like the photon belt concept,
 participates in creating an atmosphere of confusion.

 (1998): James Gilliland circulated an email announcement claiming
 the arrival of a "pulse of consciousness" from the "center of the
 universe" whose secondary cause is a luminous "photon belt" and
 which he claims is responsible for solar and geomagnetic
 disturbances currently going on. Although Gilliland writes that
 this pulse "has been observed and measured, in fact his
 "knowledge" of it comes from psychic channeled contacts that he
 claims he has had with Pleiadians during close encounters with
 their spacecraft. Could he and others be unwitting participants
 in an extraterrestrial disinformation campaign?

 (1998): On his website, Drunvalo Melchizedek published an
 incorrect announcement that the Galactic center has been seen to
 "pulse huge amounts of energy out into the universe" since the
 time of December 14, 1997 and that in June of 1998 the "beeper"
 satellite "was destroyed by one of these blasts from the center
 of our galaxy." In fact, no such thing had happened. Up to the
 present, the Galactic center has been observed to continue its
 relatively quiescent state. The "psychic scientist" who supplied
 Melchizedek this disinformation later withdrew his Galactic
 center pronouncement. But it has been well over 8 months now and
 Melchizedek has still persisted in leaving this startling
 disinformaition on his website. Melchizedek was aware of Dr.
 LaViolette's scientific work since a year earlier he had attended
 a seminar in which LaViolette had spoken about Galactic
 superwaves and had purchased a copy of Earth Under Fire from him.
 However, for some reason he chose not to consult LaViolette to
 check the validity of the information he posted.

                    © 1999 Paul LaViolette


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