-Caveat Lector-

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: CIA Admits Nazi Connection by R Lederman
Date: Sun, 24 Sep 2000 00:20:42 -0500 (CDT)
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CIA Admits Nazi Connection
by Robert Lederman

Conspicuous by its silence the CIA owned and influenced media
did virtually no coverage of what may be one of the decades
biggest stories. Only UPI issued any statement on the CIA's
admission that following WWII Hitler's top general in charge of
espionage transferred his entire network of thousands of spies
and double agents to what became the newly-formed CIA.

What makes this much more than an interesting footnote to
history is that the entire domestic and foreign history of the CIA
has been molded by these former Nazis whose ideas on Eugenics,
race, social control, biowarfare and propaganda dominate the
policies of countless "think tanks" like the Rockefeller-funded
Manhattan Institute and have influenced the U.S. government at
its highest levels.

During the past five decades numerous isolated revelations about
Nazis imported to America by the Dulles brothers, William
Casey and others have broken through the media blackout. These
stories usually revolve around former concentration camp guards
who hid their identity when emigrating. What makes this
different is that General Ghelen was the #1 Nazi in this program.
By acknowledging a CIA connection to Ghelen the entire can of
worms can now be pried open.

For excellent published works on the CIA/Nazi connection read:
Trading With The Enemy by Charles Higham
The Secret War Against the Jews by Loftus and Arrons
Blowback by Christopher Simpson

For my articles on the connection to Mayor Giuliani and the
Bush family see:


UPI 9/20/2000
CIA says Nazi general was intelligence source
Wednesday, 20 September 2000 20:28 (ET)

CIA says Nazi general was intelligence source

 COLLEGE PARK, Md., Sept. 20 (UPI) -- The Central
Intelligence Agency has for the first time confirmed that a
high-ranking Nazi general placed his anti-Soviet spy ring at the
disposal of the United States during the early days of the Cold

 The National Archives said in a release Wednesday that the CIA
had filed an affidavit in U.S. District Court "acknowledging an
intelligence relationship with German General Reinhard Gehlen
that it has kept secret for 50 years."

 "The CIA's announcement marks the first acknowledgement by
that agency that it had any relationship with Gehlen and opens
the way for
declassification of records about the relationship," the National
Archives said.

 Gehlen was Hitler's senior intelligence officer on the Eastern
Front during the war and transferred his expertise and contacts to
the U.S. as World War II reached its climax. While Gehlen's
relationship with U.S. intelligence during the 1940s and 1950s
has been the topic of some five books over the years, the eventual
release of CIA documents pertaining to the development of his
European spy ring could shed new light on the origins of the
Cold War and early U.S. espionage efforts against Moscow.

 Gehlen's network of agents in Europe - including many with
Nazi backgrounds who were bailed out of prisoner of war camps
by U.S. intelligence officers - was known as the Gehlen
Organization and received millions of dollars in funding from the
U.S. until 1956.

 The CIA's acknowledgement of its dealings with Gehlen came in
a response to an appeal of a Freedom of Information Act request
by researcher Carl Oglesby, the National Archives said. The
agency pledged to release its records on the general in
accordance with the Nazi War Crimes Disclosure

 The Act established the Nazi War Criminal Records Interagency
Working Group (IWG), which for more than two years has been
declassifying documents related to World War II war crimes and
releasing them through the National Archives.

 "This shows that the law is working," said former Rep. Elizabeth
Holtzman, a member of the IWG. "We now must work closely
with the Agency to follow through with the release of these

Copyright 2000 by United Press International.
All rights reserved.

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material is
distributed without profit or payment to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving this information for
non-profit research and educational purposes only.

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