-Caveat Lector-

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Date: Wed, 03 Jan 2001 18:08:36 -0800
From: Nicky Molloy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
     Armageddon or New Age? <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: IUFO: Rife - Electronic disease signatures 2/2

->  IUFO  Mailing List


First, arsonists burned the Burnett Lab in New Jersey, which was
validating Rife’s work. Then, someone fatally poisoned Dr.
Millbank Johnson, president of the Southern California American
Medical Association. He died hours before a press conference
where he was to announce to the world that Rife’s electronic
therapy had cured every patient (16 out of 16) in that medical
study supervised by the University of Southern California. (First
thought to be accidental death, the poison was discovered years
later by federal investigators when Dr. Johnson’s body was
exhumed). Dr. Nemens, who had duplicated some of Rife’s work just
40 miles from Rife’s lab, was killed in a mysterious fire which
destroyed his lab. Rife himself was finally killed at Grossmont
Hospital by an accidental lethal dose of Valium.

     Following Dr. Milbank Johnson’s murder, threats, and a
string of other incidents, doctors who had actually been
photographed with Rife denied they ever met him. Dr. Isaac
Kendall, Rife’s chief research associate and Dean of Northwestern
Medical School, disappeared for years after receiving $200,000 in

     By now you are probably saying to yourself, But this is
crazy! Are you saying that after all these doctors proved there
is a harmless electronic method to rapidly eliminate all this
pain and suffering, the medical profession didn’t use it? Maybe
you think that hospitals would want it. But why would hospital
administrators be interested in anything that costs pennies to
use, and keeps people out of the hospital? Remember -
conventional therapy keeps a patient in bed at $600 a day (for
the bed). And hospitals can bill a cancer patient $200,000 if he
has insurance. Okay, then how about research foundations or
teaching institutions? Wrong. Who wants a cure that eliminates
hundreds of millions of dollars in grants along with the diseases
it eliminates? Even the billion - dollar insurance industry could
be eliminated by a cure for most illness such as Rife discovered.

     First, understand that the drug industry supports the
medical journals almost entirely with its advertising. It kept
Rife’s electronic therapy out of the journals merely by
threatening to pull its ads from any one publishing it.
Meanwhile, the regular news media naively assumes that if anyone
had such a versatile cure, the proper authorities would tell
them. But health care is just too profitable. Those whose
livelihood depends on treating disease are often quick to mislead
those who ask about anything that might replace their services.
Even using beneficial herbs or vitamins is often branded

     If you discovered a cheap and harmless method of eliminating
nearly every incurable disease, what would you expect? Medicine’s
highest awards? It’s more likely that your discovery will be
received as heresy, for challenging orthodox views and authority.
Pasteur, for example, was ridiculed and reviled, until medicine
finally accepted his germ theory of disease. And before him,
Semmelweis was hounded to death merely for claiming that 19th
century surgeons might be killing patients by operating with
dirty hands. Other visionaries who were discredited and roasted
over a pit in a medical Inquisition were Roentgen for discovering
X-rays, Morton for Ether anesthesia, and Harvey for claiming that
blood circulates! And now that health care is the nations’s
largest industry, anything that eliminates all illness will be
highly unpopular with a lot of folks whose services become

     The following are just a few of the distinguished medical
doctors harassed and persecuted in recent years for discoveries
that threatened the health care industry - Doctors Revici,
Burzynski, Livingston, Ivy, Burton, W.F. Koch, Coley, Glover,
Lincoln, Priore and Naessens, a scientist. There is a tragic
story behind each of these names: Dr. Koch was killed by arsenic
injected in his toothpaste. Perhaps now you understand ‘that any
true cure for cancer, diabetes, arthritis and other diseases must
always be suppressed for the status quo to continue. It’s just
like war: millions of people suffer and die because it’s so very
profitable for others.

     The story you are reading is one of the most fascinating and
horrifying tales ever told. Can you imagine the good the
discoveries of Rife would bring to mankind, and that Rife’s
discoveries were announced and made public in the 1930’s! Royal
Raymond Rife died in 1971 at the age of 83 a broken man. All
clinical records of his work have been erased from the archives
of the scientific community.

     Rife’s electronic technology was buried for years, recently
resurrected, and is once again available. But if such an
electronic device exists, then where is it? And why hasn’t your
doctor told you? First, because doctors can’t use it until it’s
FDA approved. You can only use it on yourself. Second, until it’s
FDA approved, it’s illegal for doctors or anyone using a product
to tell you that it cures anything. Even if medical studies show
that a product cures everything, those who say so without FDA
approval can be charged with making fraudulent medical claims,
and mislabeling.

     Well, then why not get FDA approval for Rife’s therapy?
Primarily because bringing a product to market with FDA approval
costs $234 million dollars. That’s only about 3 days of earnings
for the drug cartel, but considerably more pocket change than you
carry. So unless you can spare 234 million dollars for FDA
approval, the rules are rigged to maintain the drug industry’s
monopoly on health care.

     Fortunately, a few dedicated doctors and engineers worked
together to reconstruct and resurrect Rife’s technology after his
death. Like Rife, they too have experienced sabotage incidents,
and have mostly gone underground to stay in business.
Electro-magnetic Frequency Instruments are currently available to
the public but due to the FDA not even having a category for
these types of devices, in the US they are only legally sold for
experimental use. Many other countries are more open to this
technology. But, until FDA approval for the medical profession
(at a cost of $243 million dollars) they can only be used for
experimental use. That means you can experiment on yourself,
pets, lab animals, cell cultures, etc.

     Despite sabotage and restrictions on use by the medical
profession, these first true Bio-Active Frequency Instruments had
such astonishing success that dozens of unqualified engineers are
now selling their own versions of the original technology.
Unfortunately these knock-offs have only marginal results. These
engineers tried to reconstruct the technology without the benefit
of Rife’s concepts and 40 years of research. Several
manufacturers have succeeded in replicating Rife’s work by using
the original discoveries of Rife. They protected their designs
against knock-offs with insoluble epoxy, relabeled chips, PALs,
unreadable programming, radiant coatings, etc. There is also
tremendous variation in the cost of Bio-Active Frequency
Instruments. Some outrageously priced (all the market will bear
type) versions are actually much less effective than some
modestly priced brands.

 Our mission is to inform the public that an electronic cure for
most afflictions may exist, and that it was illegally suppressed
to protect the drug industry. Furthermore, anyone who wishes to
know the truth can simply see for himself by obtaining a true
Bio-Active Frequency Instrument for investigational use. In the
final analysis, the only way to know if such a remarkable therapy
actually exists is to experience it firsthand. Not another rigged
double-blind trial, whose conclusion is paid for and dictated in
advance by vested interests, but a trial conducted by the one
impartial sponsor who has nothing to lose by learning the truth:
Yourself. If you think that someday you’ll need a Bio-Active
Frequency Instrument, get one now while you still can. But
examine the features of each brand of Bio-Active Frequency
Instruments carefully. Cost is misleading- some modestly priced
Bio-Active Frequency Instruments can out perform those which cost
2 to 4 times more!


Copyright 2000 EMF Pollution Solutions

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

                     *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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