-Caveat Lector-

we went on an irish rock and roll tour and ended up in
a sweet little swiss hamlet called winterturm
there in an irish bar we played our gig ....
we finished the set with the song called the rare old mountain dew - and the
chorus went - give me enough of that real good stuff - the rare old mountain
dew - which is a song glorifying irish whiskey.
at the end of the gig - franz came over and started talking to us very
seriously - it sounded like there was something really wrong ... 'you know -
zee jews zey cum over zee mountains with zee albanians and cause much crime
... !'
but veee --- veee are all good celtic bruders .. ya ! -

he thought the song 'the rare old mountain dew' was the song 'the rare old
mountain jew' !!!!!

and bidding our aryan bludbruder a fond goodnight we headed off back to
Konstanz - keeping a lookout in our rear mirrors :)
we didn't have time to buy chocolate, cheese or cuckoo clocks or open a
swiss bank account :)

andrew hennessey
read about or bizarre rock and roll tour of europe at
www.scottishgenius.com and click on the amsterdam link

----- Original Message -----
From: "William Shannon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2001 2:27 AM
Subject: [CTRL] Hail, Switzerland!

> <A
> Hail, Switzerland!
> December 13, 2001
> Whenever I hear someone brag that America is “the greatest country on
> earth,” I want to ask, “Have you ever been to Switzerland?” Well, I
> have. I spent a whole week there once. Very dull. No war, no
> international crisis, no crime, none of the things that give life its
> for red-blooded people like us. Nobody even knew who the president of the
> country was. The Swiss have never even had a great president. Their
> national hero is still that guy with the crossbow. Their national pastime
> is yodeling.
> I don’t intend the blasphemous suggestion that Switzerland is the Greatest
> Country on Earth, but it has a fair claim to be the sanest. It has had
> less history over the last thousand years than most African countries have
> had in the last generation. You know the old Chinese curse: “May you live
> in interesting times.” The Swiss have no memory of interesting times. They
> have a proud history of not making history.
> Switzerland sat out two world wars, for which it is resented by the sort
> people who think war is a duty. The Swiss seem to feel that the rest of
> the world can enjoy mutual slaughter perfectly well without them. They
> have never joined the United Nations, NATO, or the European Union. They
> are content to hunker down within their sheltering Alps, while Americans
> will cross two oceans, simultaneously if necessary, to get into a good
> war. Nor do they have troops, battleships, submarines, and military bases
> around the world. And no nukes.
> In short, the Swiss are what all right-thinking people have learned to
> “isolationists.” They have stubbornly maintained their independence. As a
> result, an awful lot of Swiss didn’t die violent deaths in the twentieth
> century.
> Oh, by the way, the Swiss aren’t afflicted by terrorism. Osama bin Laden
> has probably never heard of Switzerland, unless he stashes his money
> there. It may not be the Greatest Country on Earth, but nobody calls it
> the Great Satan, either.
> Not that the Swiss aren’t ready to defend themselves. The men are required
> by law to serve in the militia and to keep firearms in their homes. But
> when they say “defense,” they mean defense — not empire, not New World
> Order, not “global leadership.” They have a federal system of government,
> and in Switzerland federal still, oddly enough, means decentralized.
> Each canton treasures its independence.
> The national president has little power, little opportunity to achieve
> “greatness.” The Swiss franc is one of the world’s most stable
> currencies. Swiss banks are the world’s most secure vaults.
> Naturally, a country like that, free, peaceful, and prosperous, isn’t
> to be left alone. A few years ago there was an outcry against Switzerland
> as a repository of “Nazi gold,” which turned out to be a scam, an attempt
> to blackmail the Swiss. They were given a choice between coughing up
> billions or facing international opprobrium and sanctions. It later
> transpired that the Nazi gold was mythical, the accusations a cynical
> campaign.
> Independence is always hated by centralizers and internationalists. The
> papacy is hated because the Pope, unlike politicians and journalists, can’
> be bought or bullied. Switzerland is hated because it remains aloof from
> the “international community.” I’d offer other shining examples of
> resistance to the pressures of internationalism, if I could think of any.
> Switzerland has enjoyed the kind of history Americans once hoped for. But
> while America has been drawn back into the quarrels of the Old World its
> people had hoped to escape, Switzerland has in effect managed to secede
> from that world’s strife without leaving the continent. If you want
> excitement in Switzerland, you just have to roll your own; the state won’t
> provide it for you. You can sum it up by saying Switzerland is a country
> that has lost more lives in skiing accidents than in war.
> The story of Switzerland is the greatest political success story of the
> modern world, yet we never hear about it.
> Why not? Because it puts all other states to shame. Most rulers want to
> Americanize their countries; but if they really cared about their people’s
> welfare — lives, liberty, property, and all that — they would try to
> Swissify. It’s a sign of the times that I am forced to coin this
> indispensable verb.

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