Bug: if either the 'nolog' or the 'debug' option is set, trying to
expand "$-" silently aborts parsing of an entire argument.

$ dash -o nolog -c 'set -fuC; echo "|$- are the options|"; \
        set +o nolog; echo "|$- are the options|"'
|uCf are the options|
$ dash -o debug -c 'set -fuC; echo "|$- are the options|"; \
        set +o debug; echo "|$- are the options|"'
|uCf are the options|

Also, though the 'nolog' option is POSIX[*] and (apart from this bug)
acts like POSIX, it's not documented the dash man page.

- Martijn

[*] "nolog: Prevent the entry of function definitions into the command
history; see Command History List."
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