On Sun, Jul 19, 2015 at 06:39:59PM -0700, David E. Wheeler wrote:
> On Jul 19, 2015, at 7:41 AM, Tim Bunce <tim.bu...@pobox.com> wrote:
> > Internally the DBI has a DBIc_ROW_COUNT(sth) macro that has an IV type.
> > That's a signed int that would be 64 bits on most modern systems.
> > On many of those systems the plain int type might be 32 bits.
> > 
> > I've just pushed an experimental change that might help in general
> > https://github.com/perl5-dbi/dbi/commit/29f6b9b76e9c637be31cb80f1a262ff68b42ef43#diff-cb6af96fe009d6f8d9d682415e1ab755
> > but probably wouldn't in your case.
> Huh. Why not?

That change just adds a warning.

> > At the moment I'd view this as a DBD::mysql bug.

The assignment of signed values to unsigned types in DBD::mysql ought to
be fixed.

> > p.s. These open DBD::mysql issues might also be more or less related:
> > https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=48158
> > https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=80394
> > https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=75570
> Given that these have had exactly 0 activity in three years, how should we go 
> about getting thins on the maintaners’ radar?

I don't know. The repo is managed by the perl5-dbi org on github.
https://github.com/perl5-dbi/DBD-mysql so in theory any of the team
members https://github.com/orgs/perl5-dbi/people could commit patches.
Patrick Galbraith, the primary maintainer (CC'd) seems fairly active at
the moment so I'd start by asking Patrick for his thoughts.

> Also, is there something I can do in Sqitch to work around this issue?

I'm not sure. It's possible that a HandleSetError handler could help

(It's also possible that I'm misreading the cause as I'm not clear how
the -2 becomes a -1 but I gave up looking further after seeing the
problems with the current DBD::mysql code.)


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