I was about to re-install ActiveState Perl, opened the Control Panel and
saw there was a repair button so I tried that first. I can run ppm and
dbish now.


-----Original Message-----
From: Bart Lateur [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 02 April, 2004 8:07 PM
To: Dennis M. Gray
Subject: Re: Installing dbish causing problems

On Fri, 2 Apr 2004 10:02:36 +1000 (EST), Dennis M. Gray wrote:

>I installed 11.91 and now get this when trying to bring up ppm:
>"break_at" is not exported by the Text::Reform module
>Can't continue after import errors at C:/Perl/site/lib/Text/Reform.pm 
>line 43 BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at 
>line 9.
>Compilation failed in require at C:\Perl\bin\ppm3-bin line 12. BEGIN 
>failed--compilation aborted at C:\Perl\bin\ppm3-bin line 12.
>Anyone know what I should do next?

Yes. Something reverted the present module Text::Reform, 1.11, back to
1.10. I don't know what, but now ppm will no longer work. So I'll hack
my way around it.

Locate the Text/Reform.pm file. Make the file readable, open it in your
text editor. Check that it is indeed version 1.10. Select everything.

Next open the source from Text::Reform 1.10 on CPAN in your browser 


Select everything, and paste into your text editor, replacing everything
that was there. Save the file.

Now it's updated to 1.11, and ppm will work again normally.


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