On Saturday 07 May 2005 16.56, Brad and Billie Fick wrote:
> do you know how I can get the sheet music to this? If so I would greatly
> appreciate it. Thank you

There we go again.  I am so glad this happens, helps to lighten the mood 
everywhere and certainly eases the way to general happiness in the world 
(the same kind of help we see at the beginning of the Hitchhiker's Guide.  
The yellow bulldozer and the vogon fleet included.)

(Brad and Billie: it's probably not entirely your fault that you have 
problems understanding a single word of the above.  Please see this web 
site: <http://wiki.debian.net/?DuelingBanjoes>)

-- vbi

Today is Pungenday, the 55th day of Discord in the YOLD 3171

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