On Thu, Jun 13, 2002 at 11:12:54AM +0200, Nicos Gollan wrote:
> On Thursday 13 June 2002 01:27, Seneca wrote:
> > A while ago I noticed that my system time was about half an hour off
> > of what it should be, and set it to the more accurate time of the
> > hardware clock. Over the course of the past 24 hours, the hardware
> > clock has gone ~1 minute slow, but the system clock is now 20 minutes
> > slow.
> >
> > I know that the lapse occurs during periods of heavy swapping (>20M
> > swap used (I only have 16M physical memory)) which is a normal
> > occurance (my system is a cron-operated alarmclock), and happens most
> > rapidly when using apt or dpkg (which causes 50M of swap to be used).
> >
> > I was wondering about how to get the system clock to match the
> > hardware clock when the system's time is >5 min slow. I can't use the
> > NTP clients because of a rather ignorant windoze proxy (determined by
> > trial and error), and I would prefer not to have to manually set the
> > time every day or so (hwclock --hctosys).
> >
> > When the time according to my watch was 18:52:14, I got the following
> > output:
> >
> > $ sudo hwclock --show; date
> > Wed Jun 12 18:51:58  -0.189813 seconds
> > Wed Jun 12 18:32:44 EDT
> Apparently, the system clock is fine (16 seconds off should be OK). You 
> could try removing /etc/adjtime and then resetting the time. hwclock 
> keeps information there bout how much slower or faster than realtime 
> the system clock is and the time is corrected by that data. If you 
> remove the file, reset the time and then adjust the time again after a 
> rather long period of uptime, you should be fine.

I'm not concerned about the seconds part of it... did you see how
inaccurate the system clock's minute is? Its about 20 minutes off of
what the time really is.

> Alternatively, you could try time servers bu I'm no expert there. 
> (Probably you'll eventually get that advise anyway)

Already tried time servers, but couldn't connect.


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