There are a lot of new spam nets that have just been turned up over the past
few days.  Volumes more than doubled for us, with a lot slipping through.
We’ve added quite a few class Cs to our firewall blocks this week as we see
new ones light up that are entirely owned by a spammer.  That’s helped cut
it down almost to normal levels, and we’ve gotten ahead of them at times by
blocking their entire net before they used some of their IPs.


From: Katie La Salle-Lowery
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2013 12:37 PM
Subject: RE: [Declude.JunkMail] No one at Declude?

Our Declude + Message Sniffer appears to be processing, and it is deleting
much spam, but we are experiencing much more spam delivery than a couple
weeks ago and I’m getting user complaints.

Katie LaSalle-Lowery

1120 S. Russell; Ste B

Missoula, MT 59801

ph (406)549-3337

fax (406)541-9338

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