
> Hello another time. I've continued my investigation of this issue. Now I
> increased HIDDEN_SIZE of xfce4 panel up to 6 points (initially there was
> 3) and whenever I point mouse over this 3 additional points panel
> unhides. Well it's not very comfortable to position mouse so
> precisely. ;) But now I'm sure that compiz or emerald take area (I think
> 2 or three dots) around the window for their own purposes. But is it
> possible to disable this "feature" for some parts of window? Thanks.

It is. Compiz uses small, 2 pixels wide windows to detect edge actions.
Unfortunately, it's not possible to pass the enter/leave/motion events
to the window beneath with the X infrastructure as it stands :-/

You probably want to disable the top and/or bottom edges in the wall
plugin (under "Key bindings" -> "Edge flipping").



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