
> I would have thought that it was not Maven's responsibility to ascertain
> that test passed in various JDKs, old and new.

I agree that is is not Maven's responsibility to (out of the box)
execute the tests against multiple JREs. If you think it is, one can
just as well argue that it should run tests for OSGi bundles built with
Maven using all different permutations that the bundle's Import-Package
version ranges allow.

Yes, there are projects where that level of double-checking is
warranted, but IMHO this is the domain of Jenkins matrix projects or
similar mechanisms.

The bigger issue with the "multiple source folder per project" approach
is whether popular IDEs can express the fact that src/main/java needs to
be compiled against one JRE whereas src/main/java-9 needs to be compiled
against another.

Just my two cents.


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