So I have 27 releases of XStream unzipped and pushed to

(8.4M of Jars is now 2.4M of bare .git repo)

All the jars are still available - here -

Perfect except:

   1. .zip suffix instead of .jar
   2. there's a pesky root folder inside the zip, that matches the tag name
   (GitHub's policy I guess for downloads).
   3. the signatures won't match those for the originals up on 'Central.

I want to fork (experimentally) maven-dependency-plugin (it's in Subversion
now, but the fork should be on GitHub of course), and sprinkle in some in order to (1) rename the zip on
download from GitHub, and (2) remove the root folder inside the zip without
a mechanical unzip/rezip ... then put theresult in ~/.m2/repository/ as

There's probably some pom.xml creativity needed too.

Any takers?

- Paul

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