I just got a java error when building the odk module on 64-bit Windows
10. The java version is Java SE Development Kit 8 Update 144.  I didn't
run into this when building trunk.  It's repeatable if I run
"build --from odk", whether or not I clean the odk build directory

mkdir.exe -p ../../wntmsci12.pro/bin/odkcommon/docs/java/ref/        
C:/PROGRA~2/Java/JDK18~1.0_1/bin/javadoc.exe -J-Xmx120m -use -splitindex 
-windowtitle "Java UNO Runtime Reference" -header "UDK 3.2.7 Java API 
Reference" -d ../../wntmsci12.pro/bin/odkcommon/docs/java/ref -sourcepath 
../../wntmsci12.pro/misc/java_src -classpath 
E:/aoo/work/AOO414/main/solver/414/wntmsci12.pro/bin/ridl.jar -linkoffline 
../../common/ref ./uno -linkoffline http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.1/docs/api 
./java com.sun.star.comp.helper         com.sun.star.lib.uno.helper         
com.sun.star.lib.unoloader         com.sun.star.uno         
../../wntmsci12.pro/misc/java_src/com/sun/star/lib/util/UrlToFileMapper.java > 
warning: no @throws for java.lang.Exception
        static public XComponentContext createInitialComponentContext( 
Hashtable context_entries )
error: reference not found
         * @see        com.sun.star.lang.ServiceManager
warning: no @throws for java.lang.Exception
        static public XMultiServiceFactory createSimpleServiceManager() throws 
error: unexpected text
        @see cppuhelper/defaultBootstrap_InitialComponentContext()
warning: no @return
    static public final XComponentContext 
warning: no @throws for java.lang.Exception
    static public final XComponentContext 
warning - Tag @see:illegal character: "47" in 
warning - Tag @see: missing '#': 
warning - Tag @see: can't find 
cppuhelper/defaultBootstrap_InitialComponentContext() in 
error: unexpected text
        @see cppuhelper/defaultBootstrap_InitialComponentContext()
warning: no @return
    static public final XComponentContext 
warning: no @throws for java.lang.Exception
    static public final XComponentContext 
warning - Tag @see:illegal character: "47" in 
warning - Tag @see: missing '#': 
warning - Tag @see: can't find 
cppuhelper/defaultBootstrap_InitialComponentContext() in 
warning: no @throws for com.sun.star.comp.helper.BootstrapException
    public static final XComponentContext bootstrap()
 error: bad use of '>'
    or string (=> service name) object for this.
 warning: no @throws for com.sun.star.uno.Exception
        public static XMultiServiceFactory create(String writeRegistryFile, 
String readRegistryFile)
 warning: no @throws for com.sun.star.uno.Exception
        public static XMultiServiceFactory create(String writeRegistryFile, 
String readRegistryFile, boolean readOnly)
 warning: no @throws for com.sun.star.uno.Exception
        public static XMultiServiceFactory create(String registryFile) 
 warning: no @throws for com.sun.star.uno.Exception
        public static XMultiServiceFactory create(String registryFile, boolean 
 warning: no @throws for com.sun.star.uno.Exception
        public static XMultiServiceFactory create() throws 
com.sun.star.uno.Exception {
 error: reference not found
         * @see         com.sun.star.loader.SharedLibrary
 error: reference not found
         * @see         com.sun.star.lang.ServiceManager
 error: reference not found
         * @see         com.sun.star.registry.RegistryKey
 error: reference not found
         * @see         com.sun.star.loader.SharedLibrary
 error: reference not found
         * @see         com.sun.star.lang.ServiceManager
 error: reference not found
         * @see         com.sun.star.registry.RegistryKey
 error: reference not found
         * @see         com.sun.star.loader.SharedLibrary
 error: reference not found
         * @see         com.sun.star.lang.ServiceManager
 error: reference not found
         * @see         com.sun.star.registry.RegistryKey
 error: reference not found
         * @see         com.sun.star.loader.SharedLibrary
 error: reference not found
         * @see         com.sun.star.lang.ServiceManager
 error: reference not found
         * @see         com.sun.star.registry.RegistryKey
 warning: no @throws for com.sun.star.registry.InvalidRegistryException
        public static boolean writeRegistryServiceInfo(
 error: reference not found
 * @see         com.sun.star.loader.SharedLibrary
 error: reference not found
 * @see                 com.sun.star.lang.ServiceManager
 warning: empty <p> tag
 * <p>
error: unknown tag: attention
 warning: no @return
    synchronized public boolean addAll(Collection c)
 warning: no @return
    synchronized public boolean addAll(int index, Collection c)
 warning: no @return
    synchronized public boolean contains(Object elem)
 warning: no @param for index
    synchronized public ListIterator listIterator(int index)
 warning: no @return
    synchronized public ListIterator listIterator(int index)
 warning: no @param for obj
    synchronized public boolean remove(Object obj)
 warning: no @return
    synchronized public boolean remove(Object obj)
 warning: no @return
    synchronized public Type[] getContainedTypes()
 warning: no @param for key
    synchronized public InterfaceContainer getContainer(Object key)
 warning: no @return
    synchronized public InterfaceContainer getContainer(Object key)
 error: @param name not found
     *  @param Type The property's type (Property.Type).
 warning: no @param for type
    protected void registerProperty(String name, int handle, Type type, short 
attributes, Object id)
 error: @param name not found
     *  @param handle The property's handle (Property.Handle).
 error: @param name not found
     *  @param Type The property's type (Property.Type).
 warning: no @param for type
    protected void registerProperty(String name, Type type, short attributes, 
Object id)
 warning: no @throws for com.sun.star.beans.UnknownPropertyException
    protected void setPropertyValue(Property prop, Object value) throws 
 warning: no @throws for com.sun.star.beans.PropertyVetoException
    protected void setPropertyValue(Property prop, Object value) throws 
 warning: no @throws for com.sun.star.lang.IllegalArgumentException
    protected void setPropertyValue(Property prop, Object value) throws 
 warning: no @throws for com.sun.star.lang.WrappedTargetException
    protected void setPropertyValue(Property prop, Object value) throws 
 error: self-closing element not allowed
     *  property value, that was intended to be changed, remains untouched.<br 
/> This method does not have to deal with property attributes, such as
 error: self-closing element not allowed
     *  in the calling methods.<br />
 error: self-closing element not allowed
     *  as listener notification and finally the modifiction of the property's 
value, will occur.<br />
 error: self-closing element not allowed
     *  intended then use an Any variable rather then an Object.<br />
 error: self-closing element not allowed
     *  returns the XInterface.<br />
 warning: no @throws for com.sun.star.beans.UnknownPropertyException
    protected boolean convertPropertyValue(Property property, Object[] newVal, 
Object[]curVal,  Object setVal)
 error: @param name not found
     *  @param value the new value for the property.
 warning: no @param for newVal
    protected void setPropertyValueNoBroadcast(Property property, Object newVal)
 warning: no @throws for com.sun.star.beans.PropertyVetoException
    protected void  fire(
 error: semicolon missing
       rather useless, anyway (see &ldquo;Using the Observer Pattern&rdquo: in
 warning: no @throws for com.sun.star.beans.PropertyVetoException
    public void prepareSet(
 warning: no @return
    public XPropertySetInfo getPropertySetInfo() {
 warning: no @param for propertyName
    public void setPropertyValue(String propertyName, Object value)
 warning: no @param for value
    public void setPropertyValue(String propertyName, Object value)
 warning: no @throws for com.sun.star.beans.UnknownPropertyException
    public void setPropertyValue(String propertyName, Object value)
 warning: no @throws for com.sun.star.beans.PropertyVetoException
    public void setPropertyValue(String propertyName, Object value)
 warning: no @throws for com.sun.star.lang.IllegalArgumentException
    public void setPropertyValue(String propertyName, Object value)
 warning: no @throws for com.sun.star.lang.WrappedTargetException
    public void setPropertyValue(String propertyName, Object value)
 warning: no @param for propertyName
    public Object getPropertyValue(String propertyName)
 warning: no @return
    public Object getPropertyValue(String propertyName)
 warning: no @throws for com.sun.star.beans.UnknownPropertyException
    public Object getPropertyValue(String propertyName)
 warning: no @throws for com.sun.star.lang.WrappedTargetException
    public Object getPropertyValue(String propertyName)
 warning: no @param for propertyName
    public void addPropertyChangeListener(
 warning: no @param for listener
    public void addPropertyChangeListener(
 warning: no @throws for com.sun.star.beans.UnknownPropertyException
    public void addPropertyChangeListener(
 warning: no @throws for com.sun.star.lang.WrappedTargetException
    public void addPropertyChangeListener(
 warning: no @param for propertyName
    public void removePropertyChangeListener(
 warning: no @param for listener
    public void removePropertyChangeListener(
 warning: no @throws for com.sun.star.beans.UnknownPropertyException
    public void removePropertyChangeListener(
 warning: no @throws for com.sun.star.lang.WrappedTargetException
    public void removePropertyChangeListener(
 warning: no @param for propertyName
    public void addVetoableChangeListener(
 warning: no @param for listener
    public void addVetoableChangeListener(
 warning: no @throws for com.sun.star.beans.UnknownPropertyException
    public void addVetoableChangeListener(
 warning: no @throws for com.sun.star.lang.WrappedTargetException
    public void addVetoableChangeListener(
 warning: no @param for propertyName
    public void removeVetoableChangeListener(
 warning: no @param for listener
    public void removeVetoableChangeListener(
 warning: no @throws for com.sun.star.beans.UnknownPropertyException
    public void removeVetoableChangeListener(
 warning: no @throws for com.sun.star.lang.WrappedTargetException
    public void removeVetoableChangeListener(
 warning: no @param for handle
    public void setFastPropertyValue(int handle, Object value)
 warning: no @param for value
    public void setFastPropertyValue(int handle, Object value)
 warning: no @throws for com.sun.star.beans.UnknownPropertyException
    public void setFastPropertyValue(int handle, Object value)
 warning: no @throws for com.sun.star.beans.PropertyVetoException
    public void setFastPropertyValue(int handle, Object value)
 warning: no @throws for com.sun.star.lang.IllegalArgumentException
    public void setFastPropertyValue(int handle, Object value)
 warning: no @throws for com.sun.star.lang.WrappedTargetException
    public void setFastPropertyValue(int handle, Object value)
 warning: no @param for handle
    public Object getFastPropertyValue(int handle)
 warning: no @return
    public Object getFastPropertyValue(int handle)
 warning: no @throws for com.sun.star.beans.UnknownPropertyException
    public Object getFastPropertyValue(int handle)
 warning: no @throws for com.sun.star.lang.WrappedTargetException
    public Object getFastPropertyValue(int handle)
 warning: no @return
    public PropertyValue[] getPropertyValues() {
 warning: no @param for props
    public void setPropertyValues(PropertyValue[] props)
 warning: no @throws for com.sun.star.beans.UnknownPropertyException
    public void setPropertyValues(PropertyValue[] props)
 warning: no @throws for com.sun.star.beans.PropertyVetoException
    public void setPropertyValues(PropertyValue[] props)
 warning: no @throws for com.sun.star.lang.IllegalArgumentException
    public void setPropertyValues(PropertyValue[] props)
 warning: no @throws for com.sun.star.lang.WrappedTargetException
    public void setPropertyValues(PropertyValue[] props)
warning: no @throws for com.sun.star.lang.IllegalArgumentException
        public static UnoUrl parseUnoUrl(String unoUrl)
..\..\wntmsci12.pro\misc\java_src\com\sun\star\uno\Any.java:49: warning: empty 
<p> tag
         * <p>
..\..\wntmsci12.pro\misc\java_src\com\sun\star\uno\Any.java:42: warning: empty 
<p> tag
         * <p>
..\..\wntmsci12.pro\misc\java_src\com\sun\star\uno\IBridge.java:94: warning: no 
@throws for java.lang.InterruptedException
    void dispose() throws InterruptedException, IOException;
..\..\wntmsci12.pro\misc\java_src\com\sun\star\uno\IBridge.java:94: warning: no 
@throws for java.io.IOException
    void dispose() throws InterruptedException, IOException;
..\..\wntmsci12.pro\misc\java_src\com\sun\star\uno\IEnvironment.java:66: error: 
unexpected end tag: </p>
     * </ul></p>
error: bad use of '>'
         * Gives any array of <code>ITypeDescription> of
error: block element not allowed within inline element <code>: p
         * <p>
error: element not closed: code
         * Gives any array of <code>ITypeDescription> of
error: bad use of '>'
         * Gives any array of <code>ITypeDescription> of
error: block element not allowed within inline element <code>: p
         * <p>
error: element not closed: code
         * Gives any array of <code>ITypeDescription> of
warning: no @param for methodId
        IMethodDescription getMethodDescription(int methodId);
warning: no @param for name
        IMethodDescription getMethodDescription(String name);
warning: no @param for name
        IFieldDescription getFieldDescription(String name);
error: tag not allowed here: <code>
     *     <tr><td>HYPER</td><td></td><code>"hyper"</code></tr>
error: tag not allowed here: <code>
     *       <td>UNSIGNED HYPER</td><td></td><code>"unsigned hyper"</code>
error: tag not allowed here: <code>
     *     <tr><td>FLOAT</td><td></td><code>"float"</code></tr>
error: tag not allowed here: <code>
     *     <tr><td>DOUBLE</td><td></td><code>"double"</code></tr>
error: tag not allowed here: <code>
     *     <tr><td>STRING</td><td></td><code>"string"</code></tr>
error: tag not allowed here: <code>
     *     <tr><td>TYPE</td><td></td><code>"type"</code></tr>
error: tag not allowed here: <code>
     *     <tr><td>ANY</td><td></td><code>"any"</code></tr>
error: tag not allowed here: <tbody>
     *   <tbody>
error: end tag missing: </tbody>
     *   <tbody>
error: no summary or caption for table
     * </table>
..\..\wntmsci12.pro\misc\java_src\com\sun\star\uno\Type.java:207: error: 
unknown tag: codde
     * of <codde>SHORT</code> and a sequence of <code>UNSIGNED SHORT</code> in
..\..\wntmsci12.pro\misc\java_src\com\sun\star\uno\Type.java:207: error: 
unexpected end tag: </code>
     * of <codde>SHORT</code> and a sequence of <code>UNSIGNED SHORT</code> in
..\..\wntmsci12.pro\misc\java_src\com\sun\star\uno\Type.java:209: error: 
unexpected end tag: </p>
     * controls which UNO type is chosen:</p>
..\..\wntmsci12.pro\misc\java_src\com\sun\star\uno\Union.java:30: warning: 
nested tag not allowed: <code>
 * Note: The idl type <code>union<code> is currently not fully
..\..\wntmsci12.pro\misc\java_src\com\sun\star\uno\Union.java:30: error: 
element not closed: code
 * Note: The idl type <code>union<code> is currently not fully
..\..\wntmsci12.pro\misc\java_src\com\sun\star\uno\Union.java:30: error: 
element not closed: code
 * Note: The idl type <code>union<code> is currently not fully
warning: no @param for <T>
    public static <T> T queryInterface(Class<T> zInterface, Object object) {
warning: no @return
    public static IEnvironment getEnvironment(String name, Object context)
warning: no @throws for java.lang.Exception
    public static IEnvironment getEnvironment(String name, Object context)
warning: no @throws for java.lang.Exception
    public static IBridge getBridge(
warning: no @throws for java.lang.Exception
    public static IBridge getBridgeByName(
warning: no @throws for java.lang.Exception
    public static IMapping getMapping(IEnvironment from, IEnvironment to)
warning: no @throws for java.lang.Exception
    public static IMapping getMappingByName(String from, String to)
warning: no @return
    static public boolean reset() {
dmake:  Error code 1, while making 
dmake:  '../../wntmsci12.pro/bin/odkcommon/docs/java/ref/index.html' removed.

1 module(s): 
need(s) to be rebuilt

I sort of vaguely remember a fix for this (trunk only?).  Maybe AOO414
requires java 7 to build.

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