This is a known problem. The plan is to change the default
string implementation in thread-safe configurations in 5.0
from reference counted to deep copying. Until then, it's
a library configuration option that must be explicitly
enabled. There should be a Jira task to make this change.


On 10/21/2012 07:11 PM, Liviu Nicoara wrote:
Hi all,

I ran the attached test case, s.cpp, and timed it:

* Deep copy

$ for f in 16 8 6 4 2 1; do time ./s $f 100000000; done

16    0m39.292s    2m34.381s    0m0.035s
8    0m20.573s    1m18.131s    0m0.025s
6    0m15.037s    0m58.269s    0m0.009s
4    0m9.973s    0m38.657s    0m0.009s
2    0m8.750s    0m17.473s    0m0.016s
1    0m8.499s    0m8.495s    0m0.002s

* Shallow copy

$ for f in 16 8 6 4 2 1; do time ./s $f 100000000; done

16    5m29.311s    4m2.107s    17m39.634s
8    2m43.635s    2m1.823s    8m50.454s
6    2m10.601s    2m2.316s    6m18.462s
4    1m20.766s    1m35.383s    3m29.467s
2    0m25.146s    0m27.775s    0m22.408s
1    0m3.557s    0m3.555s    0m0.000s

The results show a counter-intuitive better performance for deep-copied
strings. Again, there is the reversal of performance for one-threaded
programs where there is no contention.


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