
I am using opensmppbox.
I have noticed certain thing that in the case of multiple Rx or TRx session
while submitting dlr opensmppbox is sending dlr to particularly one (first)
session in all_boxes queue in find_receiver_box function

for (cnt = 0; cnt < gwlist_len(all_boxes); cnt++) {
                thisbox = (Boxc *)gwlist_get(all_boxes, cnt);
                if ((thisbox->login_type == SMPP_LOGIN_RECEIVER ||
thisbox->login_type == SMPP_LOGIN_TRANSCEIVER) &&
(octstr_compare(thisbox->boxc_id, box->boxc_id) == 0) && thisbox->alive) {
                        return thisbox;

Is there any way and is anyone tried to make round robin manner or
something like random pick of esme, so that all esmes will distribute the
load ??


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