On Fri, Nov 26, 2010 at 05:29:34PM +0300, Paul Bagyenda wrote:
> The log level patch has been applied. This one requires some thought. Ideally 
> we should decode to  RFC 2047 format, and encode to the MM1 format. And this 
> should apply to more than just the "subject" field. More work than this. I 
> need to do it, but first (and it's friday, which means lazy days) I need a 
> cleaned mapping from MIBEnum values to charset names (from 
> http://www.iana.org/assignments/character-sets ) in a format that libiconv 
> can understand. If you are feeling less lazy, you could put these into a text 
> file for me (col1 = mib enum, col2 = name) and I'll do the code changes.

Sure. A little perl parser is everything I need to do to make myself
happy on friday evening ;-)

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